Tuesday 27th June 2023, 10 am

Who is Andrew Beattie?
My 2023 Year of Action
2 min readJun 27, 2023
My mate got an MBE last week. We came here to celebrate and launch a new directory of social businesses. A lovely evening.

I’ve felt a little thrown off course of late. A busy mind, plans and activities. Hardly living in the present. Lacking focus.

But I’m back. At least, I think I am. We’ll see.

I find the summer to be a funny time. For a week or so, when the warm weather starts, I feel like waking up when the sun rises and getting out and about. The warmer weather and slower pace and being outside chatting in the street with friends feel good.

After about a week I begin to feel like a sweaty mess. The air in the house feels dense and I need a fan on to feel in any way comfortable. I feel sluggish and slow. And then my head gets fuzzy.

That’s been my last few weeks.

But it’s cooler today and it’ll rain soon. I feel a little less fuzzy.

A couple of weeks back I went for a wander to the woods at Bidston Hill, on the hottest day of the year so far, and made a spoon at a wood carving session. I’m back there tonight to finish the spoon. I’ve bought a wood carving knife, too.

I wrote an article about the experience for a magazine I’m working on. It was a lovely experience. I arrived sweating heavily and feeling like I wasn’t over Covid — testing negative, of course — and I left with a spring in my step and having made a spoon. Making a spoon wasn’t a bucket list item, but I’m thrilled now that I have.

I’m looking forward to being in the woods again this evening. I’m excited for the satisfaction and feeling like I’m in a flow state and in control of the tools. And I’m excited to skip out of there and head home with whatever I make.

Maybe that good feeling will carry through the rest of the week. I hope so.

This is part of a series that I’m writing over the next year, documenting the Year of Action campaign, and some of the things I’m doing to take action in 2023. #2023yearofaction



Who is Andrew Beattie?
My 2023 Year of Action

Dad. Wordscape, Kindred LCR, Ethos Magazine, The City Tribune, Homebaked CLT, School for Social Entrepreneurs.