AlieNadia. Give Back. Acrylic on canvas. 18"x22". Photo by ©Nadia Camandona

Give Back

Nadia Camandona
My AlienArt
Published in
1 min readMay 26, 2020


There is a moment in our life in which we need to give ourselves back. This is a basic human need. Most people discover it on their deathbed. But for those lucky enough, it happens that they feel the urge much earlier.

In this way, they make a deal with their immortality and they gradually let go of everything that was not suited for them.

They only need to understand that their fake needs don’t coincide with the purpose of their life.

Who knows? Who can help us to discover our purpose?

Everyone chooses a different way, every way is right if the result is to give back and become one with the Universe.



Nadia Camandona
My AlienArt

A MamManager in London, between brushes and cookers, happily in (de) growth. Una MamManager a Londra, tra pennelli e fornelli, in felice (de)crescita.