Integrating Alex into the life of a talent acquisition manager

My Ally
My Ally
Published in
4 min readMay 2, 2017

It’s Olivia Teller’s first week at her new office. Not to mention how excited she is with the challenge in-store for her, right on the opening week. Her company has entrusted her with the upcoming recruitment session, in which there are several vacancies that need to be filled. Olivia is gifted by experience, quick thinking, top notch organizing skills, and an enthusiasm for innovations that can get her ahead in career. Hence, she is confident that this recruitment session is also a cakewalk.

But, this recruitment session, due to the volume and demands, offered her challenges in the second-order.

The heap of e-mails

The high volume recruitment session also means large influx of emails. While there were various queries from candidates, majority of emails were to schedule or reschedule an interview. As Olivia has to arrange for interviewers from her office, she finds herself spending a lot of time on replying to scheduling/rescheduling emails.

Tracking the process

As with the case of any high volume recruitment process, Olivia realizes that it is difficult to keep track of the process without an external help. Since there are various requisitions, Olivia has to supervise the candidate progress at each stage.

Candidate experience

Understanding the changing demographic of recruitment, Olivia knows the pulse of millennials. She knows that the live-in-the-moment millennial is not going to wait endlessly for a response from her, and that top talent can vanish in matter of seconds if they are not treated properly. Hiring efficiency depends a lot on candidate experience and specifically on the candidate pipeline time. Taking care of it during a high volume recruitment process will be a half baked job.

Analysis of each recruiting day

When recruitment happens at high volume, it becomes essential to have a mechanism for quality analysis. Olivia knows the importance of data in influencing future recruitment endeavors of her organization. But each quality analysis session will require her to scan through the calendars of everyone involved in order to find a convenient time to meet.

Olivia realizes that the existing recruitment process requires a fix that can boost efficiency. That’s when she hears about the promising trend in recruitment, artificial intelligence. Olivia comes across My Ally’s recruiting assistant, Alex, and gives it a try. Alex integrates with her existing ATS in less than 30 minutes, ready to assist her according to her preferences.

Heap of e-mails, no more!

Alex completely takes over the e-mail see-saw from Olivia’s hands, freeing her to involve in other tasks that needs her attention. On the behalf of Olivia, Alex handles scheduling communication between candidates as well as interviewers. As a bot with massive scalability, Alex could easily schedule interviews with candidates, even in a high volume requisition as that of Olivia’s.

Track like a pro

With a functioning Dashboard, Olivia can keep track of requisitions, progress of candidates at each stage, interview panel, interviewer substitutes and many more at a single place. Chaos has cleared off the stage, giving Olivia and rest of the team and organized bird’s eye view of the entire recruitment.

Happy candidate

As Alex is available 24*7, candidate inquiries at any time could be answered. Alex’s quick responses ensures that each candidate feels they are valued, which in turn feeds to the employer branding.

Data driven decisions

Much to Olivia’s relief, Alex comes with the feature of scheduling debrief sessions after day’s recruitment. This helps to gloss over the details of what works and what doesn’t. Having access to calendars of interviewers, scheduling a debrief session is a cakewalk for Alex. With such debrief sessions, Olivia can trust Alex to help her in increasing the recruiting efficiency.

Scheduling interviews is a low hanging fruit for Alex, giving room for TA managers to do their magic in improving candidate experience on site. Olivia, is content to have found the perfect assistant which could increase her human potential in the organization.

If you face the problems Olivia faced, this is the time to hire the right recruiting assistant.

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My Ally
My Ally

My Ally is the world’s only AI-powered solution for automating the scheduling and coordination of candidate interviews. Check out for more info.