Meet our newbies of March: Scheduling

My Ally
My Ally
Published in
2 min readMar 10, 2017

If someone’s wondering, we are still firm on our New Year’s resolution to build products that answer the demands of our customers. Here are the latest additions to your scheduling assistant.

Drum roll, please :)


Gone are the days when you had to go through your emails to know how Alex worked for you. When our customer David pointed out the need of a dashboard where Alex’s performance can be easily measured, we did not think twice to implement it.

With the dashboard, David now has more visibility and access to how Alex schedules his meetings. He could track Alex’s meeting requests, conversations, and reports of the number of meetings scheduled by Alex, all at one place. We sprinkled some more love and added a few more extras: David can now edit his preferences anytime and connect all his calendars (work, personal etc) to the Dashboard.

If you loved the dashboard, you will definitely love the other updates we are rolling out this month.

Optional calendars and optional people

Sometimes you may want to inform someone about a meeting s/he is not required to attend in person. In such cases, you can now use Alex’s new feature to include optional calendars/people.

David appreciated this update as he could now keep some of his team members in the loop about a meeting without asking them to be present.

Google Maps

Why worry about guiding the guest to the meeting venue, when Alex, integrated with Google Maps, can do it for you?

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We have started to roll out these features sequentially. If the update hasn’t reached you yet, rest assured that you will get it soon.



My Ally
My Ally

My Ally is the world’s only AI-powered solution for automating the scheduling and coordination of candidate interviews. Check out for more info.