5 bots for your workplace

My Ally
My Ally
Published in
3 min readFeb 10, 2017

We are in Industry 4.0. Every day we wake up to the story of a new robot in a new field. Companies are increasingly adopting bots to free their employees from boring repetitive tasks and divert that energy into producing meaningful work. In that backdrop, we have curated five awesome bots that can transform any work space.

My Ally

My Ally’s core value is to up the efficiency game. One of the pressing reasons why top talent gives up on a company is because of the endless wait in the pipeline. Addressing this issue, My Ally’s AI assistant Alex helps the recruiter coordinate interviews. If you had to manually handle the back and forth scheduling previously, with Alex you can now focus on improving the quality of interviews, while Alex seamlessly works out the mundane scheduling. Additionally, Alex responds promptly to candidate queries, improving your company’s candidate experience. Not only does your efficiency improve, but so does your employer branding. Two birds with one stone!

Screenshot from My Ally’s website


It’s the age of standing desks and open work spaces. But are you sure your employee/teammate is happy at heart? Meet Oskar, a Slack bot built to ensure the happiness of your team. Interacting as a chatterbox squirrel, Oskar checks on the teammates daily to know how they are doing and shares the feedback with the team.

Screenshot from oskar’s website


No more tometo-tomaato queries to distract you from work, here’s Tomatobot to ensure an increased productivity. Tomatobot helps you focus on timer-based short tasks, taking care of all distractions that come in the way. The bot is available in Slack.


Let’s say you are a hiring manager urgently in need of a talent to join an ongoing project. Freelancer or full time hire, a chunk of your time will be spent on sourcing. Now, Tara is an automated recruiter who can easily guide you to a freelancer meeting your requirements.

Screenshot from Tara’s website

Wade and Wendy

Wade and Wendy are like the popular duo in a pub who knows everyone. For the recruiting community, they would mean easy connection with the talent. Wade is in touch with the talent pool always in the know of who is looking for which job; based on the recruiter’s demands Wade can connect you to the right talent. Wendy takes the role of recruiting assistant to help with sourcing.

Screenshot from Wade and Wendy’s website

Do you know any bot that can bring a change in work space? Let us know in comments or write to info@myally.ai

Want to explore how you can leverage A.I. to super-charge your recruiting strategy today? Check out My Ally.



My Ally
My Ally

My Ally is the world’s only AI-powered solution for automating the scheduling and coordination of candidate interviews. Check out www.myally.ai for more info.