Why Artificial Intelligence, you ask?

My Ally
My Ally
Published in
3 min readFeb 21, 2017

Artificial Intelligence has moved from the foxed pages of science fiction to the reality that is touching all our lives. Most days have a fresh story of AI innovation to share. Knowingly or unknowingly, our lives have been touched by artificial intelligence in ways that were previously unimaginable. 2016 witnessed an unfolding of AI into the lives of ordinary people- as a trustworthy companion, as a genius assistant.

Evidently, the long line of AI innovations aim to better the lives of humans. The newer inventions coming to revolutionize our personal lives are examples of AI helping us to ‘live easy’. Amazon’s personal assistant Alexa’s latest integration is an “AI doctor”, simulation of a doctor’s in-person visit, offering insights. Think about the relief such a service can create to the elderly or disabled (and even hypochondriacs!). Or Moley, a robot Master Chef. Imagine having access to any recipe from across the world, cooked and served- That’s Moley for you. A Harvard University research used an algorithm to diagnose depression just by analyzing the person’s Instagram pictures. When mental health is often overlooked in the fast paced world, this research by Harvard gives us a glimmer of hope on how machines can improve human lives.

At workplaces, Artificial Intelligence is bringing a transformation that was previously unforeseen. Radical in every sense, AI has brought a change in how we imagine work and workplace. The repetitive tasks at work were considered as a given with any office job, until recently. Thankfully, many repetitive tasks ranging from calendaring to towel delivery at hotels are now automated by artificial intelligence. We witness how AI has disrupted professions such as Talent Acquisition and Human Resources management, transportation, law among others. Interestingly, automation itself is seeing a shift from usual physical activities to works that require cognitive abilities; something that was believed to be beyond the hold of a robot. A recent study by McKinsey Global Institute reveals that about half of all current work activities can be automated by 2055. Another study by Adobe showed that more than 89% of the participants are positive about the benefits of bringing robots to work place. This leads us to imagine a future workplace where humans and robots work together to achieve the business goals.

The human-robot cohort in the work space is an evolution that has already begun to happen in its minute forms. Industry 4.0, as it is fondly called, is the ‘smart factory’ enabled by the Internet of Things and humans in manufacturing industries. Smart factory removes humans from unsafe work environments by delegating such tasks to robots. In HR field, for example, by providing an AI powered assistant to recruiters, we hope to utilize the immense potential of our algorithm to coordinate interviews effortlessly. This frees up time for recruiters to focus on improving the quality of real time interaction with the candidates. In fact, by bringing the bot into the work space, the quality of human interactions get accentuated, while the repetitive task is performed by machines more efficiently with zero errors. Embracing a bot, thus creates a win-win situation for the organization. In addition to automating repetitive tasks, robots are built for storing, processing, and analyzing huge chunks of data. We are creating data each moment; think about the insights we get after analyzing the data which is produced over a period of time. More than anything, these data driven inputs are going to drive the growth of your business. Artificial Intelligence, thus in its own ways, become crucial to the success of a business. While we are currently at the infant stages of human-robot cohort, digital transformation of work spaces will advance into the adoption of more sophisticated AI.

The future is knocking on your doors. Powering up your organization with artificial intelligence has now become more important than ever. Not only it gives a competitive advantage, AI is destined to take your business goals to a different level of success. Are you still waiting?

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My Ally
My Ally

My Ally is the world’s only AI-powered solution for automating the scheduling and coordination of candidate interviews. Check out www.myally.ai for more info.