Jan Rose
My Ancestry
Published in
2 min readFeb 25, 2017


My Ancestry

Everyone should do a DNA test (I did an autosomal with Family Finder) if they wish to discover their ancestry. The test I did goes back 7 generations, however for males, a ydna and mtdna (only from mother to son) or for females mtdna, the ancestry lineage goes way back. Autosomal chromosomes are inherited from both parents. Mt or mitochondrial dna is passed in the direct female line from a mother to her children but can only be passed on by a daughter.

A couple of my DNA matches have done autosomal, mitochondrial and y-dna tests and their ancestry includes King Edward 1, William the Conqueror and Alfred the Great of England plus many European Kings and Queens including Charlemagne. An ancestor with my same maiden surname, on their line also follows that exact lineage back to them.

I have discovered also that I have many 3rd, 4th, 5th and distant American cousins and my DNA matches have ancestors related to General George Patton, General Robert E Lee and President George Washington.

All this testing I did to try and find my Aristocratic Great Great Grandfather’s parents. However from my research about genetics, in particular, about the x chromosome which is passed from a mother to both sons and daughters and the y chromosome passed almost unchanged from a father to his sons, I learned that the most likely chance I have of discovering my Great Great Grandfather’s ancestry is via his mother as she passed her x chromosome to him and I am a direct descendant in the female line from my Great Great Grandfather. That means there was no male from him to me to block the x chromosome he inherited from his mother.

Also I discovered my ancient origins on FTDNA Family Finder which covers 93 per cent United Kingdom and Ireland, Scandanavia, the western front of Europe including Russia, Germany, Belgium, France, Spain, Portugal and across to Italy and then 7 per cent middle east and north west tip of Africa.

I then transferred my DNA results to GEDMatch for free and was able to do a check and description on my inherited eye color. This was fascinating as I always thought my eyes were a grey/brown color but then discovered they are a mixture of a grey/dark blue ring around the outer iris with brown and light amber streaks around the pupil. Whenever I wear green my eyes reflect this color and when wearing dark blue they reflect that color, in other words these colors make my eyes “pop”.



Jan Rose
My Ancestry

I have a Bachelor of Business degree and a Master of IT. I am a writer. Author of My Jasmime Rose and Angelina Grey and the Journey through Time and Space