Piazza della Signoria


nothing but beautiful
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3 min readOct 10, 2023


Piazza della Signoria in Florence hosts some of the most beautiful statues in the world.

A short thread 🧵

The square dates back to the late 13th century. With the construction of Palazzo Vecchio in 1299, the square became the center of political life for the Republic of Florence.

At this time the square was used for public executions and other political matters.

In the 1500s the square was transformed into an open-air museum by Cosimo I de Medici.

The Loggia dei Lanzi which was previously used for public ceremonies was included as an open-air sculpture gallery.

As mentioned, the square features many significant statues which I will outline below.

Perseus with the Head of Medusa (Cellini, 1554)

Fountain of Neptune (Ammannati, 1574)

Michelangelo’s David — Copy

Equestrian Monument of Cosimo I (Giambologna, 1594)

Il Marzocco — Copy (Donatello, 1420)

Judith and Holofernes — Copy (Donatello, 1464)

Hercules and Cacus (Bandinelli, 1533)

The Rape of the Sabine Women (Giambologna, 1583)

Medici Lions (Fancelli and Vacca, 1598)

Hercules and the Centaur Nessus (Giambologna, 1599)

Patroclus and Menelaus — Copy

The Rape of Polyxena (Pio Fedi, 1866)

