Day 6 Of My BP Management Journey

December 7 2023

Abhilash Chandrashekar
My BP Management Journey
2 min readDec 8, 2023


A sphygmomanometer and stethoscope lying on a white bedsheet
Photo by Marcelo Leal on Unsplash

The Readings

First BP reading on December 7

The readings are:

  1. 118/79 @ 72 bpm
  2. 118/81 @ 74 bpm
  3. 121/87 @ 74 bpm

The average is 119/82.33 @ 72.67 bpm. These readings were taken about 38 hours after taking medication.

We can clearly see that the medicine is working even after 38 hours, even though pharmaceutical companies claim this to be about 24 hours.

Based on this, doctors prescribe BP medication every day. Clearly, this is wrong, at least for me.

Others can check your BP and see if it’s true for you as well. The recommended times for checking BP are one hour after you wake up and one hour before you go to bed.


The average on the previous day was 122/81.33 @ 69.33 bpm. Systolic has reduced by 3 and diastolic has increased by 1 mm pressure of mercury.

I should have taken another reading after 48 hours to decide whether to take the next dose or not, but it was too late when I slept.

One of these days, I hope to start measuring BP twice a day. That might give us better insights.

I have an upcoming novel, ‘Woman Whisperer’, part of the ‘Woman Whisperer’ series, about a man who can do something that seems impossible: understand women. With this superpower, he can get any woman he wants, even after marriage. Now, he must choose between the true love he meets, and staying married for his kid’s sake. What will he do?

To download a sample, click here.



Abhilash Chandrashekar
My BP Management Journey

Poet and author of 'The Woman Whisperer', 'November 2023 Chapbook', 'The Men Who Understood Women', 'Aesop's Modern Bedtime Fables' and a Substack newsletter.