
My Brain Globe
Published in
2 min readOct 15, 2020

A deep psychological analysis of any person’s life brings to my table a snitch that we as life seekers constantly pursue — BALANCE.

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With a checked button-down shirt and a pair of trousers and flip-flops, I sat on the shore — staring. The sheet of blue above reflected on the white frothing waters near my feet. Looking into the unknown horizon before me, my mind seemed lost in space. The continuous roaring waters lost the race in mulling the voice of my racing heart. Even as my hands scribbled and played aimlessly with the sands and pebbles, I knew where my thoughts were headed.

Angelic was her gait, ethereal beauty beaming peace, she gently glided by. I was reminded of the fairies, whom I had imagined as a child, used to roam the skies. Her face reflected her kind-heart; her enchanting smile drew my breath away. And beneath all this softness, I witnessed an exuberant bundle of joy.


My cheeks reddened and tears filled my eyes. My confused being had at last found its ‘companion’.

With a twinkle in her charming eyes, her tinkling voice running through my inner being, she strongly whispered, “The world judges you by your actions. God witnesses your intentions. Know your balance, for then, you will realise that You and I are one. I love You.



My Brain Globe

UX Researcher and Analyst with a passion for Human Centered Design.