What is a brony?

Or how have I discovered with fan world?

emma vignolles
My Bronies


I was softly sitting at my desk during my fifth hour of class. When we started to talk about the world of dialect and jargon. And I didn’t know how we got there -but we did, and now it is too late- but my teacher began to talk about the documentary she watches on Netflix. And lately she had watched this wonderful documentary about Brony.

So what is a Brony?

Brony is a mix between the world bro, meaning friend, and pony, the strange mutation of a little horse. And brony is a man over childhood who enjoys watching “My Little Pony, friendship is magic”. They create lots of fan art, music or animation. They talk and gather on forum and website, and meet in real during convention. Their bedroom are filling by these little icones and posters.

This fever for “My Little Pony” is really developed in the USA and you might have a friend, a neighbor or a new met that is a brony but they haven’t told yet because bronies know how people think about this world. However, how dare we judging them without having watch one episode?

But be careful, bronies only watch “the new my little pony” generation and not the old one. They were born just after the first episode which was on the tenth of October, 2010,( so now, you know when to create the next day off of the year).

Do you think that is weird? I do too — yes, you’re not alone in this world- , so I have decided to create this blog entirely dedicated to this glorious world.

And if you like it, you should follow it.

