That Nice Sound.

Rajiv Chopra
Our Planet. Our Life.
2 min readMar 23, 2023

A Lament

The Magic of The Lockdown

Our political leaders locked us down a few years back because of Covid. Today, many scientists question the wisdom of the lockdowns, likening them to a blunt and ineffective tool. I lived in China right through the SARS outbreak between the end of 2003 and the middle of 2003. Our political leaders did not lock us down, and we did not wear masks. The mortality rate of SARS exceeded that of Covid-19.

But I am not writing about Covid or the wisdom of the panicky reactions of our dear leaders. I am writing about sound.


When locked into our homes, we enjoyed leisure, reading, and connecting with our families. In India, we rejoiced because the sky was clear of pollutants. The weather was fantastic, and all of us woke up early.

The Birds

Why did we wake up early?

We rose earlier than usual to enjoy the sunrise and the beautiful morning light and to listen to the birds sing. Waking up to the sound of birdsong sounds ridiculous in an urban context. We are busy people and have no time to listen to the birds or notice the color of the sky. Money, power, influence, status–all these desires drive us, and we move to their drumbeat.

But during those days of forced leisure, we all discovered the simple joy of sitting, talking, reading, seeing, connecting, reflecting on our health, and meditating on life’s meaning.

We clogged WhatsApp and other channels with our gushing messages and pledged to mend our ways. Nature and health, we said, were too vital for us to sacrifice at the altar of money.

Short Memories. Weak Resolutions

One day, the government announced an easing in the controls, and the sound of construction impinged upon the sound of nature. We woke up, stretched, and declared it was time to resume work.

Money beckoned, and we answered the call. Today, the sound of construction and traffic surrounds us. I don’t believe I signed up for this kind of surround sound!

No one listens to the wind anymore. Nor do people listen to the birds. Everyone rejoices in the din of traffic, blaring music, and the hammer of construction.

Let the good times roll, shall we?



Rajiv Chopra
Our Planet. Our Life.

From being a good corporate citizen, I am now a photographer, author &business advisor. India is my home. I also lived in the UK, China, Singapore & Switzerland