The Clarity of Success

Carlos Lewis
Ink Stains
Published in
1 min readOct 14, 2016

When we have a distinct idea of what success look like, successes of other types tend to occur that are unrelated.

Interestingly, these other successes are most likely the result of the work you do in pursuit of your own true goal.

It would be easy to accept this alternative success and all of its implications. Money is the biggest and most attractive of these, and it makes logical sense continuing doing what is now reaping the rewards. Many do.

But the more responsibilities we take on, the more tiring they becomes. Our attention, unfortunately, is limited.

If you lose sight of your true goal, your true definition of success, then you become one of those people who end of saying:

I always wanted to be….

And then they aren’t.

Now they are something else. Successful, but something else.



Carlos Lewis
Ink Stains

Carlos Lewis is a writer living in New York. All stories are reposts from