Day 1

My Code Diary
Published in
1 min readApr 13, 2018

I started Colt Steele’s Web Development Course!! Today I finished intro to HTML…which i feel like i’ve taken a few times before but his teaching style is finally making it stick!

What I learned:

1. Syntax.

Things like <tag>Text</tag>, <a href = “url”>Name of Link </a>, and <img src = “url” alt= “name of image”> all have a certain syntax that, once memorized, makes much more sense than guessing whether or not I need a closing tag.

2) Accessibility.

Why do we need an alt tag to describe the image? Why do we bother putting text within <p> tags when it looks no different, or <label> things when it all looks the same? These were all questions I asked and googled…it’s because HTML is written for browser readability and accessibility, not for just how it looks on the screen. It gives meaning to the text beyond just what it says, and structures the entire document. I assume it is also for CSS and JS reasons but I have yet to learn those. It may be annoying but building a good foundation of writing clean code will definitely pay off in the future!

Time spent learning how to code: 3 hours.

