Photo by Lokman Sevim :

Dropping out? - The reason I'm still in college.

My College Experience
3 min readOct 30, 2022


At this point, you still don’t know who I am. Perhaps, you are familiar with my name already and a few articles I have put across with this tool called the internet — but you truly do not know who I am.

Is my identity relevant? Not entirely. There’s nothing mystical or magical to it that I’m willing to impress in your thoughts. However, you know (if not yet) that I’m a college student, majoring in cybersecurity and having a wonderful experience.

My wonderful experience doesn’t speak to my dying grades, tons of absence from classes and classic style self sabotage. What has been wonderful is me being aware of every single moment in time with my experience here in college.

Me starting out this project “my college experience” was to help craft myself into a model student. The kind that never fails a class, drifting through with straight A’s and writes for showmanship about productivity and perhaps excellence.

However, in place of these wonderful things — I journeyed east. Perhaps this is an excuse to sulk about my laziness and tell you the reader that I can be excellent but simply chose not to.

Occasionally, I have felt the sting of my choices and at one point felt overwhelmed to the point I thought it best to drop out. Instead, I decided to drop-in. Into classes I simply enjoy and just do the bare minimum to pass the rest (which leaves me scoring average grades).

Why then do I remain in college?

Simply because I enjoy it.

Somehow, I am seduced by the environment and I have a soft connection with education, regardless of my actions scripting another reality. I’m in my second year, broke and on support. In other words, I am still eligible for pocket money as long as I remain here.

So what am I really doing here?


Not school work, at least not the way it’s scripted. I take a peek at the course work and go on my personal tour of finding the knowledge about it. I’m still terrible at it, but I really enjoy it compared to sitting through lectures for months.

Sounds smart? That’s debatable and equally irrelevant.

The real truth of what I’m doing here in college is trying to figure out what I’ve called for years “The Cash Flow” puzzle.

What it means in its simplest form is “how do you make money consistently without having to work constantly for it?"

Before getting into college, I wanted to be an A student. Finish top of my class. Land a really fancy job. Work dutifully and then you know live life happily (of course it’ll be day dreaming to think life is linear in this manner, but I believe you understand).

I got into college right after the COVID-19 pandemic and it was obvious that the world’s landscape of money, culture, government — everything was fickle! A finger flick and degrees are simply cardboard paper.

This is in no way to discredit the importance of education. That’ll be a foolish thing to do, especially now that I dutifully understand the true importance of a formal education.

To which it’s true importance is to mould you to becoming a critical and intentional individual, who can understand problems and proffer the correct solutions to them for the advancement of the human race. With a part of its objective being discipline (a part I perform horribly at with your classes, assignments, tests and exams).

I still haven’t figured out my cash flow puzzle but I’m close. I trust I am, and eventually when I come to the right combination. I’ll tell you all about it.

Hopefully by then, you still don’t know who I am. This is partly my desire.

Until next time, be safe. Excelsior!




My College Experience

Cybersecurity undergrad journaling my college experience and life in college