[Help] About Blockchain and NFT

My Crypto Saga|マイサガ
2 min readJan 31, 2021

This section explains the issuance of MCS NFTs to external blockchain networks.
Shin-Cards are issued as NFTs on the blockchain network. (You can continue to use them in-game.)

■About NFT Publication

Shin-Cards can be used to trade game data between users in MCS games (after the official release), but they can also be used to trade more openly, using blockchain by issuing an NFT to an external blockchain network.
Conventional games are usually centralized, with all data managed in the operator’s database, thus when the service of a game is terminated, the data also disappears. By applying blockchain technology, your items can be generated on the blockchain as data type called, NFT (Non-fungible token).
In blockchain, the data of transactions that occur on the blockchain are stored in units called blocks, which are connected like a chain and distributed around the world; the integrity of the data is confirmed by following the chain. The transparency of all transactions is maintained, and the system makes it virtually impossible to change all information even if some of it is altered.

In addition, NFTs of various games and contents are sold and purchased in 3rd party marketplaces of external blockchain networks; users who are not familiar with MCS may see MCS items externally and decide to try the game by acquiring these items (NFTs). If you are not familiar with MCS, you may see the MCS items and get the items (NFTs) to try the game!

After the official release, the trade market will be open within MCS game, allowing you to trade without knowledge of the blockchain. However, you may find unexpected encounters and higher-than-expected prices by putting your items on the booming blockchain market!

* At the time of Premier Beta Service, NFT will be issued only to Matic Network, the main network of MCS. In the future, we plan to support ETH, etc., to create a multi-chain system.

MCS|Help Contents

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*The content of the announcement is subject to change.

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