04# SQL for Data Science

Andre Vianna
My Data Science Journey
5 min readNov 21, 2021


Big Query: Order By

Order By

Example: Which day of the week has the most fatal motor accidents?

Let’s use the US Traffic Fatality Records database, which contains information on traffic accidents in the US where at least one person died.

We’ll investigate the accident_2015 table. Here is a view of the first few rows. (We have hidden the corresponding code. To take a peek, click on the "Code" button below.)


Next, we’ll talk about dates, because they come up very frequently in real-world databases. There are two ways that dates can be stored in BigQuery: as a DATE or as a DATETIME.

The DATE format has the year first, then the month, and then the day. It looks like this:

  • YYYY: Four-digit year
  • [M]M: One or two digit month
  • [D]D: One or two digit day

So 2019-01-10 is interpreted as January 10, 2019.

The DATETIME format is like the date format … but with time added at the end

Photo by Matt Chesin on Unsplash

Let’s use the table to determine how the number of accidents varies with the day of the week. Since:

  • the consecutive_number column contains a unique ID for each accident, and
  • the timestamp_of_crash column contains the date of the accident in DATETIME format,

we can:

  • EXTRACT the day of the week (as day_of_week in the query below) from the timestamp_of_crash column, and
  • GROUP BY the day of the week, before we COUNT the consecutive_number column to determine the number of accidents for each day of the week.

Then we sort the table with an ORDER BY clause, so the days with the most accidents are returned first.

International Educator Indicator

Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

The value in the indicator_code column describes what type of data is shown in a given row.

One interesting indicator code is SE.XPD.TOTL.GD.ZS, which corresponds to "Government expenditure on education as % of GDP (%)".

1) Government expenditure on education

Which countries spend the largest fraction of GDP on education?

To answer this question, consider only the rows in the dataset corresponding to indicator code SE.XPD.TOTL.GD.ZS, and write a query that returns the average value in the value column for each country in the dataset between the years 2010-2017 (including 2010 and 2017 in the average).


  • Your results should have the country name rather than the country code. You will have one row for each country.
  • The aggregate function for average is AVG(). Use the name avg_ed_spending_pct for the column created by this aggregation.
  • Order the results so the countries that spend the largest fraction of GDP on education show up first.


You’ve built up your SQL skills enough that the remaining hands-on exercises will use different datasets than you see in the explanations. If you need to get to know a new dataset, you can run a couple of SELECT queries to extract and review the data you need.

The next exercises are also more challenging than what you’ve done so far. Don’t worry, you are ready for it!

Run the code in the following cell to get everything set up:

2) Identify interesting codes to explore

The last question started by telling you to focus on rows with the code SE.XPD.TOTL.GD.ZS. But how would you find more interesting indicator codes to explore?

There are 1000s of codes in the dataset, so it would be time consuming to review them all. But many codes are available for only a few countries. When browsing the options for different codes, you might restrict yourself to codes that are reported by many countries.

Write a query below that selects the indicator code and indicator name for all codes with at least 175 rows in the year 2016.


  • You should have one row for each indicator code.
  • The columns in your results should be called indicator_code, indicator_name, and num_rows.
  • Only select codes with 175 or more rows in the raw database (exactly 175 rows would be included).
  • To get both the indicator_code and indicator_name in your resulting DataFrame, you need to include both in your SELECT statement (in addition to a COUNT() aggregation). This requires you to include both in your GROUP BY clause.
  • Order from results most frequent to least frequent.



Andre Vianna
My Data Science Journey

Software Engineer & Data Scientist #ESG #Vision2030 #Blockchain #DataScience #iot #bigdata #analytics #machinelearning #deeplearning #dataviz