Not My Mother-in-Law.

Scrum is Your Mother-in-Law

Lucy M
My Day Job


It’s not very common for it to appear in this form; curly unruly grey hair, wears bright red lipstick and likes to boss people around the house.

But what I have discovered in a moment of sheer enlightenment, and slight frustration as I dragged a story to the ‘CLOSED’ column on my ever lagging JIRA board, was that Scrum is not the solution.

Scrum is not, and never will be, the answer to any of your problems.

Scrum is more like your mother-in-law. With an over-the-top red lipstick.

Frustrating at times, bossy and most annoyingly, persistent at pointing out your flaws. If you happen to have a different definition of a mother-in-law, do let me know.

Scrum is relentless. It expects you to follow it to a tee in order to reap any of its fruitful benefits. And if you don’t follow it to a tee?

Well, that’s when the mother-in-law reference comes in.

Scrum becomes frustrating to work with not because the framework is flawed, but because when not used properly, Scrum hurts. But what most people fail to acknowledge is that the pain points are actually symptoms of your team’s underlying problems.

These pain points are Scrum’s way of telling you that you need to change.



Lucy M
My Day Job

Food Curator @FoodAroundTheHood, Techie @LexiconDigital