A bit of an update…

My Design Journey


It’s been a while since I’ve posted about my Processing journey so far, but I found out that two of my updates were never listed in this blog, so let’s quickly rectify that.

“We meet again Processing”: https://medium.com/@yashraje/we-meet-again-processing-e26006ceb808

“This was bound to happen…”: https://medium.com/@yashraje/this-was-bound-to-happen-73ea87642838

That blooper aside, I want to update my progress with Processing so far. My first large project has been kicked off, and we’re going to be visualizing a data set with code. For my data set, I wanted to pick something that was a bit more meaningful to me and my “story” so to speak. As an Indian who grew up in Canada, I’ve had the chance to experience a blend of cultures in Toronto, Canada most diverse city. I was feeling particularly proud about that fact, so I wanted my project to represent that. I decided to use one of Stat Canada’s 2016 censuses, “Ethnic Origin (279), Single and Multiple Ethnic Origin Responses (3), Generation Status (4), Age (12) and Sex (3) for the Population in Private Households of Canada, Provinces and Territories, Census Metropolitan Areas and Census Agglomerations, 2016 Census — 25% Sample Data” as the starting point, and I was able to use it as an initial reference for my brainstorming. I wanted to show the scale and multitude of diversity across Canada, so my initial idea idea was to display the data asa digram of circles broken into regions and countries, to show how many Canadians come from which regions in the world. This is my initial ideation below:

I wanted the project to have some interactivity as well, so I though that it would interesting to allow a user to use their mouse to get more details about the different countries that make up Canada by hovering their cursor over each visual representation of a country.

As i start working with my code, it will be interesting to see if the scale of this project is completely feasible but I do think that there is a foundational idea ere that can make for a pretty cool design. Fingers crossed🤞🏽

