Hello there!

My Design Journey


As you can see, I will be making too many Star-Wars based references during the course of this, but we move forward. My name is Yash Raje and this is my design blog where I’ll be posting weekly updates with what I’m working, but I’m looking forward to see how it evolves over time.

I’m currently working as a UX Designer while I’m also working towards getting my masters in User Experience and Interaction Design at Thomas Jefferson University. In my second semester, I’m taking Digital Experience Design, Information Architecture and Interactive Prototyping; this blog will start with following my Interactive Prototyping Journey, and the work I have done in Processing. I actually have worked with Processing during my undergrad, but that time was slightly traumatic, so I’m hoping the second time around will be less chaotic.

I’m still new to the idea of blogging my progress, so I apologize for the spelling and grammar in advance😄. See ya in the next post!

