My Experience on the Project “Animal Rescue NPO”: Navigating Challenges and Embracing Innovation

My Developer Journey
2 min readAug 10, 2023
IPFS NFT (Source:


The Animal Rescue NPO project epitomizes the convergence of compassion and innovation, where technology serves as a force for good. In this article, I delve into my journey within this project, highlighting the profound social impact, the ingenious solution devised for storing NFT metadata, and the valuable insights gained from navigating the realm of dynamic NFTs and IPFS.

Embracing Social Impact: Nurturing Compassion through Technology

The heart of the Animal Rescue NPO project beats with a social purpose — to raise funds for street animals through the sale of NFTs. This endeavor marries technology with compassion, enabling supporters to contribute to a meaningful cause while indulging in the world of digital collectibles. The symbiotic relationship between technology and social impact underscores the limitless potential of blockchain in transforming lives and igniting change.

The IPFS Conundrum: An Unconventional Solution

One of the defining challenges of the project lay in finding an efficient means to store NFT metadata on the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS). While IPFS is adept at generating unique addresses for predefined content, the dynamic nature of the project posed a unique challenge. How does one generate an IPFS address for content that is yet to exist? This question fueled my determination to devise an unconventional solution that would enable the storage of metadata for NFTs not yet minted.

Navigating the Uncharted: Crafting an IPFS Address for Dynamic NFTs

The pursuit of generating IPFS addresses for non-existent content was a labyrinthine endeavor. It demanded a blend of creativity, technical acumen, and unwavering resolve. Through meticulous experimentation, I created a methodology to mint ERC1155 NFTs with metadata on IPFS. Using deep knowledge of blockchain and IPFS, I succeed. This breakthrough unlocked the door to a world of possibilities, transforming an inherent limitation into a groundbreaking solution.

The Hard-Fun Challenge: Unveiling the Depths of IPFS

Navigating the intricacies of IPFS to create an NFT id for dynamic NFTs was undoubtedly a hard-fun challenge. The process illuminated the inner workings of IPFS, offering insights into content addressing, decentralized storage, and the interplay between cryptographic hashing and metadata. This immersive journey not only expanded my technical repertoire but also reinforced the transformative potential of blockchain’s decentralized architecture.


The Animal Rescue NPO project transcends mere technology, encapsulating a spirit of empathy, innovation, and societal betterment. From harnessing the power of NFTs to drive social change to defying the constraints of IPFS to accommodate dynamic NFTs, each facet of the project reflects the synergy between ingenuity and compassion. As I reflect on this transformative journey, I am reminded that technology’s true brilliance emerges not just in its prowess but in its capacity to transcend obstacles, redefine possibilities, and amplify the impact of noble causes.



My Developer Journey

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