The Long Forgotten Violin

Swapnil Gaur
My Diary of Unexpected Encounters
1 min readFeb 4, 2020
Photo by Tom Swinnen from Pexels

The violin I used to play

lies in a dark corner.

Its strings — once the sound of my heart

are untouched, unheard, unattended.

It was my companion when I was six.

I would pick it up, embrace it.

Play it with all my heart.

And drown in a sea of emotions.

Today, the sea has dried up.

Leaving behind a dry abyss

between me and the instrument.

The violin I used to play

lies in a dark corner.

Waiting for the day when

I pick it up again.

When I’m melancholy,

When I’m elated,

When I’m heartbroken,

When I’m celebrated.

When I’m depressed,

When I’m greedy,

When I’m Sufi,

When I’m needy.

When I’m a Savior,

When I’m a Murderer.

I believe its strings will be fine

till the day comes

when I’m six again,

to fearlessly go in the dark corners

and find the violin I loved.

