4 Game Changing Theories on Infinity War

Nick Kidd
My Drunken Fandom
Published in
5 min readMay 25, 2018

Face it. Infinity War was total mind bender. Most viewers left the movie either crying or desperately trying to figure out what it all means.

Here at My Drunken Fandom, we look for the most original and likely fan theories that get you thinking, and boy we found some. We’ve hand picked some of our favorite theories for your enjoyment!

1. Dr. Strange stole the Reality Stone

Is it possible we missed something right in front of us the whole time? Was half of Infinity War a lie?

Reddit user kehaar posits that’s exactly what happened. What if Dr. Strange stole the Reality Stone from Thanos during their battle? Or what if he had it all along?

“Thanos then tells Strange that he didn’t even use his most powerful weapon to fight him, meaning the Time Stone. This to me is a huge flag. Strange obviously DID use the Time Stone in the fight against Thanos. Thanos just didn’t realize it.”

We were all wondering the same thing. Why DIDN’T you use it Strange? Now I feel dumb for ever questioning him.

“In theory, Strange could use the Time Stone to go back to any point in time to obtain the true Reality Stone before Thanos ever shows up. The entire film could be a false reality created by Dr. Strange!”

Okay, but we never saw that and the film never even hinted at that. That’s a dumb retroactive deus ex machina, no? Well here’s the kicker. If he didn’t use the time stone, he could have stolen the reality stone right in front of us.

“The big part of the battle on Titan involves the heroes trying to keep Thanos from closing his fist and getting the Infinity Gauntlet off Thanos’ hand.

The first action taken to prevent Thanos from closing his fist is by Dr. Strange. His cloak basically wraps itself around the gauntlet. Eventually, Thanos rips it away and casts it aside. We don’t think about it again, really. The next time we see the cloak, it’s back in place around Dr. Strange’s shoulders.

But for a period of time, the Infinity Gauntlet is hidden by the cloak. Could Strange have used the cloak to steal the reality stone while Thanos was distracted? If he did, literally everything past that point in the film is in question.”

Now THAT’S A fan theory! Leave it to Dr. Strange to save the day!
See the original here: Link

2. B.A.R.F. is the key

Most fans speculate that we will see more time travel in the next Avengers, especially with leaked set footage showing old costumes. But that just seems like lazy writing. Maybe something else is at play.

During Civil War, Stark unveiled a new technology that allows him to step back into old memories. In the movie, it was used to allow him to show the audience a tender moment between him and his parents. It was later revealed that Bucky was the one that killed them.

That technology was called Binarily Augmented Retro-Framing, with the unfortunate acronym of BARF.

What if the key to defeating Thanos lies a key detail he missed in the Battle of New York? We could see this technology make a comeback in Avengers 4

3. The Secret Invasion

In the comics, Earth is taken over by an alien race known as the Skrull. The Skrull have the ability to take the shape of humans and impersonate our favorite heroes. This leads to what is known as the Secret Invasion, where much of the Avengers are replaced with evil aliens right under our noses.

This could be the case in Avengers 4. The Skrull could take center stage once again and reveal a major plot twist for the franchise. This may sound crazy, but it was already revealed that the Skrull will be the main villain for Captain Marvel.

4. Avengers Gauntlet

Infinity War ended with Thanos relaxing in a small hut, with a shit-eating grin that pissed every viewer off. But as many of you noticed, his gauntlet is broken. So he is now supposedly lacking the full power of the stones. He may not even have them anymore.

However, in Infinity War, we see Shuri reverse-engineer the mind stone. Therefore, it is within reason that she may have the knowledge/ability to reconstruct one. Perhaps the time stone to go back in time.

If she does this, or the Avengers find some other way of going back in time, Avengers 4 will involve our heroes revisiting major scenes from every previous movie in an effort to retrieve each stone. It would be a cool moment to see them walking in the background of previous movies trying to avoid the attention of their former selves.

They would collect the stones, likely making major sacrifices along the way (Captain America could sacrifice himself for the Soul Stone.). Then, create a gauntlet for Captain Marvel to wield and destroy Thanos.

Thanks for reading!

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Nick Kidd
My Drunken Fandom

Art Director / Paper Wizard / Founder of Encanto Enchanted Paper