Classic Feel Off Old School Stuff Toys On The Shelf Are Stories For Generations Ahead To Making Humans Like Ourselves Feel Immersed Into The Genre Of Storytelling Fiction Characters Living In Today’s Reality

Himanish Goel
My Emotional Expression Of A Portfolio
10 min readJul 15, 2022
2nd Piece — Classic Feel Off Old School Stuff Toys On The Shelf Are Stories For Generations Ahead To Making Humans Like Ourselves Feel Immersed Into The Genre Of Storytelling Fiction Characters Living In Today’s Reality; Created By: Himanish Goel

Dear everyone,

It takes one room to recreate, so you can show any possible type of feeling that’s being taken with living and non-living objects at hand!

One’s artist’s vision can go a long way with colored stuff toys to show a true meaning behind what they were looking to depict specifically from an artistic landscape point of view.

A story of a six-month-old baby boy that found his perfectly brown-skinned bird with the native colors of its tribe, vibrant orange Tiger, and a big blue LEGO brick dear to his heart as the only things that meant to him in the world when accomplishing the six months of living in this beautiful world.

He grew and grew till the extent that we wouldn’t imagine until he turned one, celebrating his earliest days walking with a Tiger in his hand, falling over many of the biggest blue LEGO bricks that were seen by him in every state possible, and petting the bird softly when it was only a solid made object that made the solid real connection to pacify it enough for making it feel as if it were real in life!

Two years went by in a breeze that neither did he realize nor his parents, but slowly all his interests started to develop as the age started increasing many miles above year after year. From three, four, five, six, seven isn’t too late to still endeavor the youngest of days, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve was the best of even living middle school years, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen was a start to many physical workout routines with many of them starting with strength training initially in the journey ahead of him, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, and hold on let’s try explaining those next two years of what happened with his stuffy toyed objects that were so close to his heart!

Well as the days turned older and brains turned even wiser, all old things started becoming a dust on the shelf that you have to get to cleaning one day or another eventually. But by twenty, new plans of what’s next in his career started to overlook him, and figuring out on the options of whether it made sense to graduate early from VCU or not were more of the critical options at that stage of his life. Hanging out with friends, school papers everywhere to nowhere be found, future goals of what he’s looking to expect in his future career ahead of him, the type of content he is looking to create out there for saying that he lived his days working as a professional and producing his own content so that when his parenting days come he can show his kids that this is the content that I produced over so many years of hard work and depicting the message to them that anything & everything is possible in the big world of opportunities, and many more realistic adult type of goals he was looking to set in his 20’s to upcoming 30’s days ahead!

But with time being an inevitable source of income. His impact of work was to do as much as he could on BOTH the personal side of finding his future wife in the coming days, having children of his own and most importantly getting settled with his future family! But also having that professional impact of work by putting out his own content, producing podcast shows of his interests to educate his own audience about those topics, and, if possible, go from working as an employee within the industry for many years to eventually starting his own enterprise or company for receiving the snazzy title of being an entrepreneur!

But with all that being said, when the song 22 by Taylor Swift got played at his 22nd Birthday on top of the Eiffel Tower, during his Europe trip with family and friends. Time from there on started speeding up on helping him learn the skills that he wanted to know on his own basis, but also provide all those personal and professional opportunities he was looking for during his 20s, 30s, 40s, and even 50s.

So that after so many years, he could say that I lived it, especially when the word retirement was much fulfilled with his family, their children that grew up to become their own adults & have their families of their own, and his beautiful wife; until it wasn’t until days decided it was her time to go on with passing her life forward to another soul, during 70 at least saying.

But even though he never planned for any of the successes and failures to happen within his life, when going back for the weekend to his older son’s family house to spend the grieving days of losing his wife and take care of his kids, while the couple go out to the grocery store for getting food supplies to make tonight’s dinner. He being in his mid 70’s, goes in the room to find a beautiful lesson being taught by a 6-month-old baby; that what goes around in everyone’s life comes back around in a full 360 degree circle rotation with facing a similar situation that they might have done before in a positive or negative way, except you don’t get to choose what that might end up being for you as the final result!

Because him being in his mid 70’s saw his older son’s and his wife’s newborn six-month-old baby; playing with those same stuffed toys that he used to have fun with during his times when he used to be six months old at one point of life. Which was the exact same multi-colored striped room with a perfectly brown-skinned bird with the native colors of its tribe, vibrant orange Tiger from Christopher Robin & Winnie the Pooh series, and a Big Blue LEGO Brick being dear to his early young stages of understanding the beats of his hearts per second that portray what emotions you might be feeling as a grown-up human being to even being that newborn baby.

The moral of the story is that never disregard any experience you go there, whether it be past, present, or futuristic; because sometimes even particular stuffed toys in a specific type of room can come back in your life at early or even older stages within your life when you are looking for those days of motivation to rise up from the occasion or even continue the streak on feeling productively happy to be who you are as a person! As an FYI, the story I explained is something to the extent that I am looking forward to seeing some of its pieces take place in my life; who knows, maybe I was writing my present life added to the future story combined to go through a journey that I am most looking forward to especially being a young adult with many accomplishments that have yet to cross paths with finishing to succeed in it, to my fullest potential possible!

From all that being said, it primarily means that the one way of showing our visual interpretation on what makes us the artist that can bend dimension with the architecture of colors.

A visual interpretation for keeping a state of AWness around the Environment, for seeing the dimension of how an artist bends the architecture of colors and accordingly places them together.

A visual interpretation through a state of AW that’s created by an artist’s world of placement vision gets executed through bending their own dimensions of architecting colors to create a signature craft style they customely make. Because it’s their own expression of how they see art in a particular way versus all the other artists out there, which makes sense because all of their work ranges from a spectrum of diversity. Each one of them presents their own uniqueness by building off another artist’s playbook that has inspired them to create what makes them a living, breathing sculpture of art.

How do we as the audience tend to think straightforwardly after realizing in some point that the geometric confusion is a sort of message or story that’s getting visually presented through the medium of art, am I right? Which in today’s world can now get expanded to many other areas, such as 3D animation, VFX, graphics, experience design, art direction, advertising purposes, media & film, and many other purposes to help inspire others in a way that leads up towards the term entertainment.

What we think is being presented in the form of art is visually breaking the glass of understanding its emotion behind the story of that artist’s message on what they are trying to convey in big, bold letters simultaneously.

The How’s of we the artist actually end up trying to visually break the glass for helping guide the audience in understanding the crux of messages they have written all over the painting with colored ink covering the body of its work.

The Actual Handmade Drawings Of My Final Draft For This Very Second Piece Of Artwork; Created By: Himanish Goel

Where it all starts with the piece of art as the initial step in hand for the artist to begin with creating the visions as the beginning stages to reaching the pinnacle of becoming an example with templates to help inspire the next generation ahead of its time!

Himanish Goel

Just a heads up, so everyone understands the primary purpose behind the name of this portfolio newsletter, it’s an emotional expression of my portfolio work. But with the help of an audience that gives necessary feedback, which allows me to frame the vision of my future artworks at a more precise scale of staying unique, authentic, and, most importantly, simple. That’s the reason behind why the name of this portfolio newsletter doesn’t have a “my” but an “a” for showing expression. As this is a journey of us going together on making stories through captivating visuals, pioneering paragraphs & sentences, and critically the most important but under-appreciated everlasting criticism that generates a space in the room for improvement of your artistic abilities.

Be sure to take the time when you get a chance to follow me and my diverse content that has to do with topics about the endless abilities of design being a part of the world of fine art, where possibilities of creation range endlessly from the world around you and what are you making the most out of those experiences in specific; as it continues to expand on every field of genre’s based on the human emotion of what topics keep us engaged to every breath of the moment. As they get bigger and broader with brand new innovations happening, principles and approaches come along for allowing the time to build on puzzling the pictures of human frameworks to understand every emotion possible for nailing the experience of what users are looking towards entering doors of self-containment to receive happiness & joy all around!

About The Author Himanish Goel In A Paragraph:

Himanish Goel is a Technical Architecture Delivery Analyst at Accenture who believes in the positive vision of living life through both identities of personal and professional lenses. Because the incredible things happen to patient people, but better things come for daring individuals who continue seeking more failure in their whole life! The more challenges of doubt you face in terms of defeat, a universe far away in the galaxy is watching you through tricky times in your life. That same universe presents you with groundbreaking opportunities that surprise the people around you and your loved ones as well. Just follow a primary mission as broad as the ocean, which will help fill the canvas of color with projects that fall under the responsibility of taking action towards it and eventually finding your passion for your type of work.

Believe in good health, bringing the desired luck that will lead to wealth and many years of success ahead in the coming future!

A natural talent in attracting the user’s eye from artistic craving and continual expression of himself for making an impact to the endless cycle of what I’m trying to convey with adding a bit of color into my visuals of design. Art is fine enough for expressing emotions in many ways that can extend from a range of nature-related creations to physically made objects by human beings! Except for the design sector, as it has to state its why and how’s on the type of impact it would be making within the professional industry standards. For getting the taste of exploring both medicines in the world of fine art and design comes a creative type of agency that rings by a famous name called advertising & branding, which also gets referred to as marketing from time to time. Colors don’t fade away; it’s how you guide them towards your advantage of assembling the screenshot that attracts the eyes of all users, allowing us designers to get a better understanding from researching their experience on interfacing with those products and services; at the end of the day!

Would you please let me know how much you have enjoyed reading this article? Please include what you would like for me to discuss the next time in future articles coming ahead. If there is a particular topic or lesson that you think I missed out on discussing or should brainstorm more about in terms of writing it towards publishment, then please be sure to let me know in the description below!

Also, be sure to provide any additional appealing thoughts or ideas in the comments below. If you have any feedback on this article, please provide your perspective and viewpoint in the comments below. I appreciate all of your support, and I am looking forward to reading all of your wonderful responses! Love lots and talk real soon everyone!



Himanish Goel
My Emotional Expression Of A Portfolio

There is no distinction between our bodies and souls; it's all up in our minds. Instead, try to be an absolute human, and I promise you to see changes instantly