O’How The Logo’s Are What Brand A Company’s Image At Heart :) — Getting The Creative Juices Flowing Edition 01

Himanish Goel
My Emotional Expression Of A Portfolio
6 min readOct 20, 2022
3rd Piece — O’How The Logo’s Are What Brand A Company’s Image At Heart; Created By: Himanish Goel

A brand, logo, and aw-spiring image that represents what the company's mission & goal are for its customer's support and employees' vision’s.

Every logo is the symbol of identifying our work, which comes into helping bring that cause on the front page of its cover.

The skating company was its original point of view presented when creating this brand at hand.

But looks more like a car manufacturer repair, athletic, sporting goods, or even a bicycling company that serves food on the go; in parks or streets of busy downtown locations of that specific area.

Whatever it may be, the 1st priority of question that arises is: What’s a selling point to help anyone gauge their fitness interests; for getting active on the statement of fun itself?

What would your answer be?

The Digital Handmade Drawing On Adobe Illustrator, For My 3rd Piece Of Artistic Work; Being Created By: Himanish Goel

Building up from that story questionnaire, any type of design might be similar to another person's version, but everyone’s story can differ from how they or we tend to perceive its narrative of executing that vision in our terms. Art is the angle of confusing an audience, design is a color theory of attracting the user's eye, and storytelling is its key narrative that helps an individual understand the background of why this got created in the first place.

Even though there might have been some minor tweaks of the lines when creating this LOOOOP Logo. It was mostly created from the help of Adobe Creative Cloud Challenges, which in this case is more of a custom logo illusion’s taught by the wonderful Jack Watson.

But one of the reasons I decided to post this article is not for branding purposes but to show how every person's vision of one topic, can differ just from a few lines. Also, just what designers themselves do for generating that creative juice; when lost on ideas of what to create for their portfolio.

So, it shows that even though you didn’t have a vision, you at least attempted to learn something from creating an illusion, postcard, logo, vectors, or whatever it may consist of at that moment of creation.

Because creation is an art, that’s hardest when overthinking its simple form of authenticity it has for offering to the world itself.

In summary, a logo is the image that’s used to explain what the outcome or function of that brand might be; whether that includes a certain type of movement, environment change, selling of a product or service, non-profit stand for helping its community, governmental roots to do good for its people and by what society expects from it; as well.

So ask you or better yet, have yourself answer the question itself; on what do logos identify from each individual's perception as being a part of today’s culture when it comes to the point of branding?

Let us know what you thought about this special edition of the newsletter and how you enjoyed the design that got created; as its end result.

Himanish Goel

Just a heads up so everyone understands the primary purpose behind the name of this portfolio newsletter, it’s an emotional expression of my portfolio work. But with the help of an audience that gives necessary feedback, which allows me to frame the vision of my future artworks at a more precise scale of staying unique, authentic, and, most importantly, simple. That’s the reason behind why the name of this portfolio newsletter doesn’t have a “my” but an “a” for showing expression. As this is a journey of us going together on making stories through captivating visuals, pioneering paragraphs & sentences, and critically the most important but under-appreciated everlasting criticism that generates a space in the room for improvement of your artistic abilities.

Sometimes the best of us comes from doing what we do best by playing from the strengths that keep us alive for feeling proud about ourselves and what we have achieved to date. Because within this universe full of unlimited opportunities, we are ahead of ourselves most of the time from possibly even imagining a full train speed ahead by bringing the futuristic vision ahead. Stop jotting down the work you need to do, such as taking out a trash can or finishing an assignment, and simply do what’s required by letting yourself be in that moment!

Be sure to take the time when you get a chance to follow me and my diverse content that has to do with topics about the endless abilities of design being a part of the world of fine art, where possibilities of creation range endlessly from the world around you and what are you making the most out of those experiences in specific; as it continues to expand on every field of genre’s based on the human emotion of what topics keep us engaged to every breath of the moment. As they get bigger and broader with brand new innovations happening, principles and approaches come along for allowing the time to build on puzzling the pictures of human frameworks to understand every emotion possible for nailing the experience of what users are looking towards entering doors of self-containment to receive happiness & joy all around!

About The Author Himanish Goel In A Paragraph:

Himanish Goel is a Technical Architecture Delivery Analyst at Accenture who believes in the positive vision of living life through both identities of personal and professional lenses. Because incredible things happen to patient people, but better things come for daring individuals who continue seeking more failure in their whole life! The more challenges of doubt you face in terms of defeat, a universe far away in the galaxy is watching you through tricky times in your life. That same universe presents you with groundbreaking opportunities that also surprise the people around you and your loved ones. Just follow a primary mission as broad as the ocean, which will help fill the canvas of color with projects that fall under the responsibility of taking action towards it and eventually finding your passion for your type of work.

Believe in good health, bringing the desired luck that will lead to wealth and many years of success ahead in the coming future!

A natural talent in attracting the user’s eye from artistic craving and continual expression of himself for making an impact to the endless cycle of what I’m trying to convey with adding a bit of color into my visuals of design. Art is fine enough for expressing emotions in many ways that can extend from a range of nature-related creations to physically made objects by human beings! Except for the design sector, as it has to state its why and how’s on the type of impact it would be making within the professional industry standards. For getting the taste of exploring both medicines in the world of fine art and design comes a creative type of agency that rings by a famous name called advertising & branding, which also gets referred to as marketing from time to time. Colors don’t fade away; it’s how you guide them towards your advantage of assembling the screenshot that attracts the eyes of all users, allowing us designers to get a better understanding from researching their experience on interfacing with those products and services; at the end of the day!

Would you please let me know how much you have enjoyed reading this article? Please include what you would like for me to discuss the next time in future articles coming ahead. If there is a topic or lesson that you think I missed out on discussing or should brainstorm more about in terms of writing it toward publication, then please be sure to let me know in the description below!

Also, be sure to provide any additional appealing thoughts or ideas in the comments below. Please provide your perspective and viewpoint in the comments below if you have any feedback on this article. I appreciate all of your support, and I am looking forward to reading all of your wonderful responses! Love lots, and talk real soon, everyone!



Himanish Goel
My Emotional Expression Of A Portfolio

There is no distinction between our bodies and souls; it's all up in our minds. Instead, try to be an absolute human, and I promise you to see changes instantly