Setting Up VPNs on AWS: A Step-by-Step Guide with Advanced Tips and Use Cases

AWSome Diary
5 min readMar 11, 2024


source : Google

Setting up a VPN on AWS involves various steps and configurations, depending on the specific use cases and VPN types you’re interested in. AWS provides multiple options for setting up a VPN, including AWS Site-to-Site VPN, AWS Client VPN, and implementing third-party VPN solutions on EC2 instances. Here, I’ll outline the general steps for setting up AWS Site-to-Site VPN and AWS Client VPN, as these are common scenarios. This tutorial assumes you have a basic understanding of AWS services and networking.

1. AWS Site-to-Site VPN Setup

A Site-to-Site VPN connection connects your on-premises network to your Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) as if it was on the same network. This is useful for seamless integration of resources.


  • An AWS account.
  • A Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) setup in AWS.
  • A Customer Gateway (CGW) representing your on-premise network.
  • An Internet Gateway (IGW) attached to your VPC.


  1. Create a Virtual Private Gateway (VGW):
  • Navigate to the VPC Dashboard in AWS Management Console.
  • Under the “VPN Connections” section, select “Virtual Private Gateways”.
  • Click “Create Virtual Private Gateway”, provide a name, and attach it to your VPC.
  1. Create a Customer Gateway (CGW):
  • In the VPC Dashboard, select “Customer Gateways” and click “Create Customer Gateway”.
  • Enter the details of your on-premises VPN device (IP address, BGP ASN, etc.).

2. Create a VPN Connection:

  • Select “Site-to-Site VPN Connections”, then click “Create VPN Connection”.
  • Choose the Virtual Private Gateway and Customer Gateway created earlier.
  • Configure the routing options (static or dynamic) and encryption settings as required.

3. Configure Your On-Premises VPN Device:

  • AWS provides a configuration file for various VPN devices. Download this configuration from the VPN Connection settings and apply it to your device.

4. Update Routing:

  • Ensure that your VPC route tables and on-premises routes are updated to allow traffic through the VPN connection.

Example Route Table Entry for VPC:

aws ec2 create-route --route-table-id rtb-abcdef123 --destination-cidr-block --gateway-id vgw-123abcdef

2. AWS Client VPN Setup

AWS Client VPN enables users to securely connect to AWS resources or on-premises networks from any location.


  • An AWS account.
  • A Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) setup in AWS.


  1. Create a Client VPN Endpoint:
  • Navigate to the VPC Dashboard.
  • Under the “VPN Connections” section, select “Client VPN Endpoints” and click “Create Client VPN Endpoint”.
  • Configure the endpoint settings, including the authentication options (certificate-based or Active Directory), client CIDR range, and server certificate ARN.

2. Associate a Subnet:

  • After creating the endpoint, associate it with a subnet in your VPC. This enables clients to access resources within that subnet.

3. Configure Client Authentication:

  • For certificate-based authentication, upload your server certificate to AWS Certificate Manager (ACM).
  • For Active Directory authentication, specify the directory ID.

4. Download the Client Configuration File:

  • Once the endpoint is set up, download the client configuration file from the AWS Management Console.

5. Connect Using a VPN Client:

  • Use a compatible VPN client (e.g., OpenVPN) to import the configuration file and connect.

Example CLI Command to Create a Client VPN Endpoint:

aws ec2 create-client-vpn-endpoint --client-cidr-block --authentication-options Type=certificate-authentication,MutualAuthentication={ClientRootCertificateChainArn=arn:aws:acm:region:account:certificate/certificate-id} --connection-log-options Enabled=false --server-certificate-arn arn:aws:acm:region:account:certificate/certificate-id

Advanced Site-to-Site VPN Configurations

After establishing a basic Site-to-Site VPN connection, consider the following advanced configurations for enhanced security and performance:

High Availability Setup

To ensure your VPN connection remains available, set up a second VPN connection to a different Virtual Private Gateway (VGW) or Customer Gateway (CGW) on your AWS and on-premises networks. AWS supports automatic failover between the VPN connections, providing high availability for your network traffic.

Tunnel Options Customization

AWS allows you to customize the options for each VPN tunnel in a VPN connection, such as the Pre-Shared Key (PSK), IKE versions, and encryption algorithms. This is useful for aligning with your on-premises VPN device’s capabilities and security requirements.

Monitoring and Troubleshooting

Utilize Amazon CloudWatch to monitor your VPN connections. You can create alarms for tunnel up/down events and analyze VPN logs in CloudWatch Logs for troubleshooting purposes. AWS also provides VPN Connection Metrics for monitoring the health and performance of your VPN connections.

Client VPN Advanced Features

With AWS Client VPN, you can provide secure access to AWS resources and on-premises networks for remote users. Here are some advanced features and considerations:


Split-tunneling allows clients to decide which traffic should go through the VPN tunnel and which should access the internet directly. Enabling split-tunneling can optimize the use of your VPN bandwidth and reduce latency for internet-bound traffic.

Authorization Rules

Authorization rules determine which resources a client can access over the Client VPN connection. You can create rules based on Active Directory groups or certificate attributes to enforce least privilege access control.

Security Groups

Apply security groups to your Client VPN endpoint to control inbound and outbound traffic. This enhances security by ensuring only authorized traffic can access your AWS resources through the VPN connection.

Use Cases and Scenarios

Understanding various use cases can help tailor your VPN setup on AWS to meet specific requirements:

Hybrid Cloud Architectures

For organizations leveraging both on-premises and cloud environments, a Site-to-Site VPN provides a secure bridge. This setup supports scenarios like disaster recovery, where critical workloads can failover to AWS, or extending on-premises applications to leverage AWS services.

Remote Workforce

The AWS Client VPN is ideal for remote employees needing secure access to both AWS and on-premises resources. This solution scales easily, accommodating teams of any size while providing each user with secure, seamless access.

Multi-Region Connectivity

Companies operating in multiple AWS regions may require secure communication between regions. While AWS offers VPC Peering for inter-region connectivity, a Site-to-Site VPN can link VPCs across regions not supported by VPC Peering, ensuring secure, private communication across your global infrastructure.

Best Practices

To optimize your VPN setup on AWS, consider these best practices:

Regularly Update VPN Configuration

Keep your VPN device’s configuration in sync with AWS recommendations. Regularly check for updates on the AWS side and adjust your device settings to match, ensuring compatibility and security.

Monitor and Audit

Use AWS CloudTrail and CloudWatch to monitor and log VPN events. Regular auditing helps identify security issues, operational problems, and compliance with policies.

Optimize for Performance

Choose an AWS region closest to your on-premises data center to minimize latency. Additionally, consider the throughput and performance characteristics of your VPN device and AWS VPN options to ensure they meet your workload requirements.

Secure Your VPN

Implement strong encryption standards, regularly rotate pre-shared keys, and use certificate-based authentication where possible. Apply least privilege access through authorization rules and security groups to minimize exposure.

By considering these advanced configurations, use cases, and best practices, you can effectively implement and manage VPN connections on AWS, ensuring secure, reliable connectivity for your applications and users. Always stay informed with the latest AWS features and guidelines to enhance your VPN solutions further.

These instructions provide a foundation for setting up VPN connections on AWS. For specific use cases, you may need to adjust configurations and settings. Always refer to the AWS documentation for the most current information and detailed guides.



AWSome Diary

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