HeartDrive Reboot

POV: You Love Poetry, You Like Tech, So You Create Fun Genres Like PoeticTech

Céline D.
My Fair Lighthouse
2 min readMar 24, 2024


Artwork Created by Céline Via Stable Diffusion

We lay in this bed of thorns they made,
Wrapped in warm lies — cold truths invade,
Forced Smiles, Fast Cars — we wear facades,
Hearts locked in hard drives — that crash and fail.

You lay in this bed of lies they made.
Who deferred your hope? Your heart decays.
Who told you, “your dreams weren’t worth the chase?”
Who trapped you with lies that you’re a shame?

Who said “Men don’t cry”? Now you cache your pain.
Who hacked your Firewall just to leave you burned?
Who trapped you with lies that love must be earned?
Who screamed “she’s too damaged, she just can’t be salvaged!”

‘Cause there’s been a breach in their broken system
Now you can cut free from wires of untruths
Let hope re-upload the dreams we lost,
Let true love retrieve the heartbits we skipped..
#Rebooting Heartdrive..



"Accessing User’s Original Design Data..

System Factory Reset Initiated..
Heart Resucitation In Progress..
Perspective Change Processing..
Self-Love Loading.."

HeartDrive Reboot Completed Successfully..




Like a hard drive stores data, our heartdrive (definitely a new term) stores our fundamental beliefs about life.

This piece speaks on how our belief systems, which have mostly been built by culture, family, experiences can have a profound influence on our self image, our dreams, what we believe we can do, how we do relationship with others, and how we see the world.

But a time comes in life when you see a disconnect between who you’ve been raised to be and who you believe you actually are. You question and shake the very foundation of those old belief systems, uprooting the lies and finding the truth of your identity. The original design of you. The truth of you. When this comes, you truly start to live.



Céline D.
My Fair Lighthouse

You can say I’m a writer, but you’ll soon find, I’m more like a serial conversationalist.