Milton’s Erotic Verse

An Erasure Poem

Felipe Leon U.
My Fair Lighthouse
Published in
2 min readMay 29, 2024


A man stands before a setting sun, back to the camera, naked.
Photo by Road Trip with Raj on Unsplash

For Man
in balmy sweat
his beams
eyes I turn’d
and gaz’d a while the ample

Liquid lapse of murmuring
all things smil’d
with fragrance

Limb by limb
with supple joints
as lively vigor led
to speak I tri’d
my tongue obey’d
whate’er I saw.

Thou enlight’n’d Earth
and ye that live and move
by some great power preeminent
I know him
from whom I have
that I am happier than I know.

A passage of Milton’s Paradise Lost with the chosen words highlighted.
Photograph by Author — The working draft from “Paradise Lost”

A fascinating prompt from Willow Schroeder and an introduction to an equally fascinating poetry excercise. Thank you!



Felipe Leon U.
My Fair Lighthouse

This bio belongs to two people. My younger self, who wrote poems before the founders of Medium were born, and my present self, who has begun writing again.