Writing Prompt

Pier 21 Prompts

Sixth Prompt: Siren’s Song

Willow Schroeder
My Fair Lighthouse
Published in
3 min readJun 21, 2024


Photo by Irina Grotkjaer on Unsplash

My heart is pierced by Cupid
I disdain all glittering gold
There is nothing can console me
But my jolly sailor bold…

A siren’s song means danger, but oh — how alluring their voices are.

Thank you for joining us for another Pier 21 Prompt here at My Fair Lighthouse. This month, we welcome the following:

a) Siren songs, or a poem or piece of fiction that includes one.

b) Poems, fictional or personal pieces that include some kind of sound(s) that signals DANGER.

Photo by Mikael Seegen on Unsplash

Please be sure to use the tag ‘Writing Prompt Response’ or ‘Prompt’ and the type of submission: Poetry/Fiction/Personal Essay.

Remember to include a link to this post at the bottom of your submission so other writers can find the prompt!

Additionally, if you enjoyed or were inspired by other writers’ responses, I’d love to see you tag their stories so we can support and celebrate each other.

I was extremely impressed by your erasure poems this month! Some of you had so much fun exploring this form



Willow Schroeder
My Fair Lighthouse

American expat living in Germany. English teacher, writer, photographer and avid traveler. Editor of My Fair Lighthouse. I require a constant supply of tea.