Writing Prompt

Pier 21 Prompts

Fourth Prompt: Rain

Willow Schroeder
My Fair Lighthouse
Published in
4 min readApr 21, 2024


We’re nearly through a third of the way through 2024, can you believe it? It feels like just yesterday that I was reading everyone’s New Year’s Resolutions. Now I wake up and gaze at the wisteria cascading outside my window, accompanied by my morning cup of tea. I leave my apartment unsure if I’ll need an umbrella that day.

In Germany there’s a saying, “April, April, der macht was er will,” which means “April, April, it does whatever it wants,” owing to the unpredictability of the weather.

In English, we have the saying, “April showers bring May flowers.”

With this in mind, I’d like to announce the Pier 21 Prompt for April:

Rain. Regen. Pluie. Lluvia. Pioggia. Chuva.

Rain should play a significant part in your poem, fiction or personal essay. You could explore how rain makes you or your character(s) feel, set the mood when an ominous storm rolls into town or observe how strangers react when they get caught in a rainstorm.

How well does your ship fare when faced with Poseidon?

Many of you submitted excellent multilingual stories this month (in general, not for the prompt specifically). I’d encourage these writers to join the prompt as well!



Willow Schroeder
My Fair Lighthouse

American expat living in Germany. English teacher, writer, photographer and avid traveler. Editor of My Fair Lighthouse. I require a constant supply of tea.