A poem in silt and surf
I am a substance
Filthy green
Choking without sunlight
Laced together
By lazy protozoa
Flagella strangled in bends and knots
As sure as if tied by sailors’ hands
The cloth of me
A sail
Beneath murky seas
By Doodleslice 2024–07–29
My little junk drawer today is a junk — sails fanned in a quiet, far from any cove.
A breath awaits a breeze. Meanwhile, I am still — laden with heavy cargo. You are always welcome aboard, be ye tar or castaway, but I fear our rations are low. It’s hardtack and salt pork, but you’re welcome to a bunk and a measure, for a fair day’s trade. But heave to and harken to me before you sign on or sup — the cap’n may ask for a tale or a song, and if the telling or the tune is not to his pleasure, if on his countenance hangs the jib, no son of a biscuit eater can spare you from his scowl or a final dance in the hempen hands of ol’ Jack Ketch.