

A poem in silt and surf

My Fair Lighthouse
Published in
2 min readJul 30, 2024


A photo of a single fish in a black ocean. Photo by Noé Sardet on Unsplash
Photo by Noé Sardet on Unsplash

I am a substance
Filthy green
Choking without sunlight

Laced together
By lazy protozoa
Flagella strangled in bends and knots
As sure as if tied by sailors’ hands

The cloth of me
A sail
Beneath murky seas


By Doodleslice 2024–07–29

My little junk drawer today is a junk — sails fanned in a quiet, far from any cove.

A breath awaits a breeze. Meanwhile, I am still — laden with heavy cargo. You are always welcome aboard, be ye tar or castaway, but I fear our rations are low. It’s hardtack and salt pork, but you’re welcome to a bunk and a measure, for a fair day’s trade. But heave to and harken to me before you sign on or sup — the cap’n may ask for a tale or a song, and if the telling or the tune is not to his pleasure, if on his countenance hangs the jib, no son of a biscuit eater can spare you from his scowl or a final dance in the hempen hands of ol’ Jack Ketch.

Photo of an old-style sailing ship at sea. Photo by Austin Neill on Unsplash
Photo by Austin Neill on Unsplash



My Fair Lighthouse
My Fair Lighthouse

Published in My Fair Lighthouse

Poetry and fiction for all phases of the storm.


Written by Doodleslice

Artist and Poet. Imperfectionist. I hope my poems and art bring you some joy. I believe you should be you - be an interesting Earthling. Be a beacon.

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