Seeking Adventure

A story told in three limericks

Simon Jung
My Fair Lighthouse
1 min readFeb 25, 2024


Photo by Mantas Hesthaven on Unsplash

A man who had made up his mind
to not be confined by his womankind
one night he did flee
on a boat oversea,
left his wife and their children behind.

Didn’t know what such life would incur
as a lonely and lost voyageur.
He was gone a whole year,
sucking women and beer
and yet, he kept longing for her.

He still loved her and hey, apropos:
did he not leave her with embryo?
And so he did return
but his wife did him spurn —
turns out, she had moved on long ago.

It’s been a while since I’ve done anything with constrained writing and this marks the very first time I’ve written limericks. It definitely brought me a lot of enjoyment to play with the rhythm of words and massage them into the meter and rhyme scheme. Thank you, Willow Schroeder for the prompt.

