What If?

…What If?

Homera Hassan
My Fair Lighthouse
1 min readJul 10, 2024


By Author

What If?

There is no tomorrow
As there is no today
Yesterday never was

Just suspended in air
By a single thread of hair
Held there
The sword of Damocles

Think that they care
Care not what they think
And no one is there

What If?

Every word need not wound and maim
Just swallow the enduring pain
Pushing it down and down
Deep into the ground
Dig your own
Infernal eternal
Take Dante’s journey
Into the Inferno
“‘Abbandonate ogni speranza, voi che entrate qui.’”
“‘Abandon all hope, ye who enter.’”

What If?

Every low is more woe
More seeds they sow
To watch
The poison tree grow
While the
Innards scream no more
Imploding exploding
All the hating
The temperature is rising
The blood is boiling
The beating heart fighting
To survive
Swollen with all befallen

What If?

Saw what you did
Keep doing what you do
Know what you are
But be still the same
All else is to blame
There is escape?
At the gate
The nine circles of Hell await…

What If?

There is no tomorrow
As there is no today
Yesterday never was

What If?…

