SUICIDE: Never The Answer

And only leaves questions


“Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.”

— Phil Donahue

The Clift-Johnston Family — from Left — Shane, Martin, Charmian, Jason, George — photographer unknown

When I was 12, my mother and I moved from the beautiful 100 acre farm we were renting in the gorgeous lush green of the high mountains nestled amongst the rain-forests and cattle farmlands of Maleny in subtropical Queensland. It had been suddenly and unexpectedly sold from under us, so we sold all we had, and left to stay in Sydney for a short-lived and fairly fraught time with her father, and my grandfather, Keith, a retired university astronomy lecturer.

And his abrasive and very emotionally rejecting second wife Gladys-Jane, who really had a thing against women. Well, against us, at least.

So because of this uncomfortable and stifling atmosphere along with the verbal conflict, soon after we arrived Mum searched through The Australian newspaper home-share ads, and found us another place to live in Mosman, a family home.

Well, more an old mansion, owned and shared with us for a time, by a young woman and her baby girl.

This was how I first met Shane, the stunning daughter of two world renowned authors, Charmian Clift (published author and regular columnist in The Australian) and George…

