An accurate and brilliant portrayal of Dad

It must have been a challenge for Mullen to follow World’s Toughest Job for American Greetings, but they nailed it.

Creative worth noting
1 min readJun 3, 2014


Moms are always portrayed as strong, tough, dedicated and problem solvers. Dads are always idiots. Modern Family being the perfect example. But not all Dads are as stereotypical as Phil Dunphy. Sure they’re over matched by five year olds, have no idea how to communicate with a teenage daughter, and are somehow convinced by their wives to have more kids than they initially signed up for. But they try. Even in a casting session.

If you are a Dad, this spot rings so true it seems impossible that it could have been written by a young creative team. But apparently it was. In its coverage AdWeek questioned whether or not it was complimentary enough and asked whether Dads might feel slighted. As a Dad, I am moved to see that a brand understands us this well. And I imagine that a kid or Mom seeing it (they’re actually the target I imagine since they’re the ones buying a Father’s Day card) will nod their collective heads and say to themselves, “Yeah, that’s exactly what Dad is like.”

Previous effort for Mother’s Day certainly raised the bar. But this reaches just as high.

Proud to say this is the agency I spent 31 years at.



Creative worth noting

Documentary Photographer / Creative Director / Writer / Author / Original Partner, Chief Creative Officer MullenLowe US / Former Professor Boston University