8. Trust // & Why I decided to write a book

Dave Freiburger
My First Book and Its Takeaways
2 min readAug 13, 2018

Last week of the book series! It’s insane how fast time flies. Not too long ago I remember not knowing what I wanted my book to be about, and now I’m writing the final takeaway from it. Weird!

In this post we are going to take a look at my book’s 8th out of 8 takeaways: Trust and The reasoning behind on why I wrote this book!

Trust within companies from leadership down to the lower positions, is essential to employee and manager psychological safety.

When one another trust each other it leads to the perception of balance of power. I say perception because at the end of the day your manager and your manager’s manager have the last say, but when this trust is established, balance is also.

Management trust towards employees is especially important because it leads to more freedom to be creative and fail without judgment. Trust is crucial here because managers need to be able to trust that their employee that he or she won’t make the same mistake twice and the employee must know the same.

I talk more about trust and how to form it between managers and employees in my book if you’re interested! Here’s a link to my book titled: The Creative Company: How Creative Execution and Empathy Result in Long-term Value!

Thank you so much for reading and I hope you learned something from this series!

Before I wrap up this series, I first want to talk about why I wrote this book in the first place.

There’s a number of reasons, but here’s the one’s that come to mind:

  1. My two most general interests are business and creativity so when I was given this opportunity to write about anything I wanted, I thought I’d write about my interests and learn as much as I could.
  2. I knew that this wasn’t going to be any New York Time’s Bestseller or anything like that, but I liked the idea that by publishing a book I’d open a door to some kind of new opportunities.
  3. I wanted to be apart of the small majority of college students that publish a book in college.
  4. I wanted to create something from scratch and actually know I started and finished something. (This one’s a little more personal 🙈)
  5. I never saw myself as a writer, but I’ve always wanted to be good at writing (still working), but I thought why not practice my writing skills, by writing a book, so I did!
  6. I wanted to step out of my comfort zone and honestly do something that I didn’t entirely know I’d be able to do.

Writing a book seemed like a crazy, and I mean crazy mountain to climb! But, with the right amount of support and strategic steps set up to help you succeed, I believe anyone can accomplish the feat of writing a book.

Thank you again to my support, you know who you are! This series has been a blast to write and I hope to continue writing.

Stay tuned! 😎

