Where is the Free in Freelance?

Thinking about the freedom I craved for so much

Jocelyn Soriano
My Freelance Writing Journey


When I look back at my life, I wouldn’t be surprised I’d end up being a freelance writer. First of all, I’ve always wanted to write. Secondly, I’ve always craved for freedom. Even when I was working as an auditor, I believe I have enjoyed a lot of freedom.

I was able to go on field assignments where I had the independence to go about my work as I saw fit. I was able to manage my time in a flexible manner. I was able to create my own strategies to bring about the results necessary for my work.

Now that I’m a full-time freelancer, this freedom has also been magnified. I can wake up at any time I choose and do my work whenever I felt most motivated. I am also not supervised by anyone. I can choose my clients and I can decide on the variety of assignments I’d like to take.

The problem with freedom

It was supposed to be the ideal thing — having this much freedom. But I guess that there’s a corresponding responsibility to every gift that is given us.

The first problem with freedom is that it can be too much. When it is too much, it can make you fall into a certain trap, the trap of thinking…

