Why It’s Not Good to Get Used to Rejection

There is something worse than the pain of being rejected

Jocelyn Soriano
My Freelance Writing Journey


Rejection is hard

No matter how we try to explain it away, it hurts. It’s no wonder then that we do all we can to avoid it.

We avoid the people we feel are looking down at us. We avoid mistakes that would get us bashed on social media. We try to surround ourselves with people we feel would protect us against those who’d try to bring us down.

At the end of the day, however, we can’t help but receive some rejection. This is especially true when you’re a writer. You may submit your work to various publications only to be rejected by editors. You may also successfully publish your piece, but then you’re not exempt from rejection by critics that read your work.

Being Immune to Rejection

One coping mechanism you may try to develop is to be immune to rejection. Why not? What’s the use of being hurt over and over again?

Rejection may be so crippling that it could discourage you from doing your work. It could erode your self-esteem. It can even make you detest the very people who can help you improve your craft.

