HR Interviews and why they are essential when applying for jobs

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From the MY.GAMES HR team: demystify the HR interview. What is it? Why does it exist? Who conducts it? How to prepare? Read and get answers.

The MY.GAMES HR team has decided to address some of the most frequently asked questions from our applicants in order to demystify the HR interview. You’ll learn what they involve, why they exist, and how they can actually benefit applicants.

There’s actually a common misconception that HR interviews are a waste of time, and that they are merely a secondary stage in the job application process that can really just be skipped.

However, as we’ll see, this is far from the truth.

What is an HR interview?

An HR interview is typically the first “live” interaction you’ll have with representatives from the company you’re seeking to join. Nowadays, these are most often conducted online with video, and these meetings are led by HR managers or recruiters, who are specialists in sourcing and hiring new employees.

Why are HR interviews conducted?

The HR interview stage has an important purpose for both applicants and companies.

From the employer’s perspective, this initial screening is crucial for evaluating whether a candidate possesses the necessary soft skills and relevant work experience needed to join the team. To that end, the HR manager may ask questions about recent projects, current work processes, and your criteria and expectations from a new job.

But what is the value of an HR interview for a candidate?

“Why should I bother with HR interviews?” Well, there’s no need to wonder, because we’re about to explain! A well-conducted HR interview can actually be very beneficial in your job search, and here are four core values that illustrate its importance:

  1. An HR interview will help you learn more about the company. You’ll be able to get an idea of their communication style, assess the general “vibe,” and find out details about the specific job. And, because you have the shared goal of collecting as much information as possible about each other, you can also use this time to ask the interviewers any of your pressing questions.
  2. There are usually several interview stages (technical interview, test task, and so on). And your time with the recruiter will help prepare for the next steps: they can tell what’s coming up next, how the process will be constructed, and approximate deadlines for getting feedback.
  3. On that note, an HR interview can give you valuable feedback, help you identify key factors currently valued in the labor market and formulate your own personal future development path.
  4. Always keep networking in the future in mind during HR interview. Even if you don’t get an offer, it’s important to keep the recruiters as contacts. If you’ve made a good impression and shown interest in the company, there’s a good chance that when future roles open up, the recruiter will contact you first!

Why exactly do recruiters have the ability to decide on further candidate communication/technical interviews?

It’s important to remember that, on average, a person spends approximately 90,000 hours of their life at work. So, both hard skills and soft skills are vital to create a successful, productive, and enjoyable workplace.

While hard skills can only be assessed by a technical specialist, recruiters are the people who evaluate soft skills. They assess the different aspects of the candidate, including their motivation, communication style, and how well they believe they will fit into the team. All of these factors are crucial, not just for the employer, but also for the candidate, since they’ll help ensure the position is one that is both professionally and psychologically comfortable for the candidate.

Quick tips and recommendations for passing an HR interview

Preparation is key to a successful HR interview, so do all of the following:

  • Research the company
  • Study the job description carefully
  • Make a list of questions to ensure you don’t forget to ask anything important during the meeting
  • Be polite and open during your meeting
  • Provide thorough answers to the recruiter’s questions, while also keeping them relevant and within the time constraints

So, that’s our primer, how are you feeling? Do you still have any questions for one of our recruiters? Leave them in the comments — we’ll be happy to discuss them in the second part of this article!




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