The Sandman Vol. 1: Preludes & Nocturns Review

Kimberly Miller
My Geekin’ Opinion
3 min readJul 11, 2019
DC’s The Sandman” is one of the seminal graphic novels of all time.

I just did an author bio on Neil Gaiman and so I thought to myself why not review the pieces of work that started it all (of course that is only my geekin’ opinion), “DC/Vertigo’s The Sandman” graphic novels. Rather than going through the whole story I decided let’s start with “The Sandman Vol. 1: Preludes & Nocturnes” which encompass the first 8 issues of one of the most beloved and truly well written graphic novels of all time. Not only is the story fantastic but the artwork is equally so with it being illustrated by Sam Keith, Mike Dringenberg, Dave McKean and Malcolm Jones III, colored by Robbie Busch and lettered by Todd Klein. This compilation of issues was first released in 1991 and then again in 1995. The seven issues ( one is a self-contained story “The Sound of Her Wings“) introduce us to the main character Dream and encompass the “More Than Rubies” plotline. Neil and his amazing collaborators would put out many more issues but let’s talk about this one in particular…

A great excerpt from “The Sandman, Vol 1: Preludes & Nocturnes“.

The Sandman Vol. 1: Preludes & Nocturnes Plot

So what do you do if you want to live forever well you attempt to capture and bind death that’s what? However, you better make sure that’s who you catch because it could lead to some very messed up situations. Unfortunately for Roderick Burgess he makes this fatal error and ends up capturing Death’s brother, Dream. Afraid of retribution Burgess imprisons Dream and when he dies that duty is left to his son Alex. The joke is on Alex because Dream is able to escape and just what his father had feared Dream exercises retribution on the one who held him by cursing him with never-ending nightmares. Now free Dream must regain his strength and the only way to do that is to reclaim his totems. After his journey comes to completion, Dream is disappointed in what he has seen and begins to contemplate isolation and this is where his sister, Death comes to him. She gives him a pep talk like all good siblings would do and Dream soon sets out to discover the world.

Check out more about “The Sandman” at his website @

My Thoughts on The Sandman Vol. 1: Preludes & Nocturnes…

I haven’t read this graphic novel in a long time and when I decided to review it I found a copy and sat down to reacquaint myself with the tail further. As I turned each page I remembered why I and millions of others loved this graphic novel so very much. Gaiman uses his typical formula of inserting myth, legends and the macabre to create a world and characters you truly care about. If you have never read any of Gaiman’s works this would be an awesome introduction. The story is spectacular and very poignant in some places and the artwork executed by DC/Vertigo’s artists only serves to heighten the impact of this graphic novel. Honestly, I am not a DC comics fan at all and of all the titles in their arsenal this is one of the few that I really feel merits a look and maybe even a second glance every now and then.

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Written by Kim Miller



Kimberly Miller
My Geekin’ Opinion

I am a creative freelancer with a passion for film and the written word.