What is Magic Realism?

Kimberly Miller
My Geekin’ Opinion
3 min readJul 9, 2019
Check out Stefan Keller @ https://pixabay.com/en/fantasy-surreal-mask-wall-eye-2506830/

Magical realism’s definition is the literary style whereby magic or fantastical elements are placed in the modern world. Though I had never really heard the term I have been a fan of this genre for quite a while. The term was coined in 1925 by Franz Roh to describe a new art painting style that showed hyper-realistic people in the mundane world of the time. The term moved into the realm of literature in the ’40s and ’50s and very strongly in Latin American literature with writers such as Gabriel Garcia Márquez. Now the term has moved on and the definition I gave at the beginning of this post is the modern interpretation of the genre and oh how this genre has grown. Magical realism doesn’t only reside in art and the written word anymore but has found its way into film, comic books and television. So just what are some of the elements of magical realism let’s talk about the four most important of them….

1. Matter of Fact Narrative

The fantastical elements within the story are relayed with little to no explanation almost as if it is just a normal everyday occurrence. The writer takes the stance that there is nothing special about the supernatural or fantastical and therefore the reader accepts it with no question…it just is.

2. Real World Setting

Though the time period does not matter all magical realism is set within the construct of the real world. Allowing the mundane surroundings of an average everyday life to be tinged with the fantastical..the supernatural …is what allows the reader/viewer to truly believe that there is magic in their own world to be found.

3. Myth, Fable and Legend Incorporation

The use of mythology, legend, and fables is one of the most important assets within the magical realism arsenal. The artist uses these tales that have been embedded in our minds throughout history allows for a level of familiarity with the tale. This, in turn, allows the reader/viewer to more easily accept the amazing things that seem to be happening in a time that is unsuited for them to be occurring.

4. Political/Cultural/Social Critique

The artist often takes the current political/cultural climate and through their fantastical tale critique or makes social commentary about how they see what is going on. When a commentary or critique is wrapped in the magical it seems to be more easily digested by the readers/viewers.

Modern film and the written word is saturated with magical realism and to tell you the truth even though I had not heard the term before a friend of mine used it…I have been a fan for my whole life. This genre’s definition is so wide that it could very easily encompass steampunk, the world of Harry Potter, and most YA fiction. One of my favorite movies of all time even falls within its borders, the amazing Pan’s Labyrinth. Some other notable examples are Big Fish, Chocolat, and of course every one new favorite show based on Neil Gaiman’s fantasy novel, American Gods. So if your anything like me then you has been a fan forever just didn’t know that’s what it was called…This genre is one of the most popular I think but remember that’s only my geekin’ opinion.

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Written by Kim Miller



Kimberly Miller
My Geekin’ Opinion

I am a creative freelancer with a passion for film and the written word.