Ethical SEO

Ethical SEO vs. Unethical SEO

Great Learning
Great Learning
10 min readSep 12, 2019


It’s within human nature to crave anything that’s ethically bound to maintain a clean conscience. It’s what provides the fundamental framework for understanding human existence. Ethics codes are accepted norms in all aspects of life, and when it comes to digital marketing, it’s not an exception. Ethical search engine optimization is the primary search engine marketing tactics that make use of strictly acceptable or adhere to the code of conduct. It has become a popular go-to technique among agencies as well as SEO consultants. Luckily, below is a detailed explanation of what ethical SEO is all about.

Why should you practice Ethical SEO?

To generate more leads one must adhere to ethical SEO practices, here are some exciting benefits of ethical SEO:

1. Cost-effective promotion strategy

If you are searching for the cheapest digital marketing tactic, then you need to focus on the underlying factor. One should always choose the natural as well as ways that generate results. Having manual investment is considered a low investment compared to machine software.

2. High levels of transparency

Using an ethical approach in marketing is a very efficient way to focus on enhancing the webpage’s rank in search engines. Ethical SEO is a slow and gradual process that gets based on a search engine strategy. A person can quickly identify the changes in progress, thus maintaining high levels of transparency.

3. Improved ROI via targeting traffic

If the right clients don’t get captured, marketing is all for not. To achieve the desired number of visitors, you need to have a strategy. Choose a specific niche and run with it. Once you get traffic enrolled on a webpage, it often results in higher conversion rates as well as enhanced ROI.

4. Brand recognition

Building a brand requires sacrifice and a little determination. Using continuous webpage promotional tactics is a way to emphasize creating an on-net reputation. Everything you need to do is to trail the right procedures.

5. Better accessibility as well as cross-browser compatibility

One should make use of ethical SEO to improve online visibility. Use of quality images and updating relevant content regularly to ensures that one’s site is accessible. It’s essential to make use of an SEO specialist. An organization can benefit from cross-browser compatibility. They are up to date with the latest in the SEO world.

Practicing sustainable, ethical practices ensure that an organization’s e-marketing goals get met. It is crucial to safeguard your clients’ on-net visibility is safe. Jeopardizing it with aggressive tactics without their consent is a quick way to lose loyal clients. Ethical SEOs ensure that cclients’and organizational needs are well-taken care.


Are you in search of an online mechanism that will uphold your reputation, your target customers, and make search engines happy? Then you need to start contemplating ethical guidelines that you ought to consider. So, the following are the several prerequisites that you should take care of while implementing SEO for your website.

1. Adhere to search engine guidelines

Search engines have a detailed set of rules that one has to follow. To mention a few, you can learn about Google webmaster guidelines, Bing webmaster guidelines, and yahoo content quality guidelines, among others.

These guidelines set the tone in familiarizing with the type of content search engines to want to serve on their results search. It includes adhering to the technical recommendations which make it simpler to index a specific site. You need to learn about ways to organize a webpage to have impeccable inclusion.

Adhering to the set guidelines is a chance to improve ranking opportunities. That’s not all; one can avoid search engine penalties or suspension of their website.

2. Focus on what works

SEO is comprehensive, and it isn’t a cookie-cutter service. What works for a local SEO might backfire miserably for a national SEO. You need to have a detailed work plan to choose what will work for you. You need to have an extensive checklist as you search for what works for your clients. Having a customized project enables one to filter out non-target clients. Focusing on the core of digital marketing allows one to perform high-value activities while incorporating basic SEO practices. The result is having an impact online.

You need to make use of hashtag elements as well as relevant keywords. You need to spend time building citation-worthy content and well as links to a site to begin enjoying the perks of doubles authority.

3. Separate SEO from non-SEO

Having top-notch content backed up with a quality design goes a long way in improving building a link. It is essential to differentiate SEO from stuff that makes it seem easy but isn’t SEO.

A while back Google announced that page speed was a ranking factor. Very many agencies, as well as consultants, made a run for it. However, it was made clear that page speed had a little impact on pages.

All of a sudden they began wrestling with plug-ins as well as server administrators to improve their score. Page speed correlates to higher search rankings, its not causation. One may think that brands with more in-depth SEO resources possess more great server optimization crews. Nonetheless, sales conversion isn’t part of SEO ranking factors.

The goal of SEOs is to attract more visitors, sales, leads, revenue, and ROI, among others. When one continues to work on a website earnestly, one is bound to realize the beneficial changes that have nothing to do with SEO.

4. Have honest expectations

If you are an SEO agency, you need to be frank with your clients as well as keep employers in the loop. You need to be honest and avoid saying what they want to hear. Overselling a point might lead to underperformance, thus ruin your reputation.

SEO takes a period to build to be at par with other competitors. You need to be open about traffic estimates and not offer false leads. Your clients need to be aware of Google numbers, Bing numbers, keyword discovery, word stream, as well as SEMRush numbers. You must be open about the tools you intend to use as well as projections to have reasonable expectations.

5. Respect the employee’s values

Everyone has different beliefs and objectives on a given project. Some might turn out to be conflicting. It is often wise to keep personal ethics in check and don’t force others to turn away from their ethical beliefs.

Ethical SEO Segments

Google uses sophisticated algorithms to determine the most relevant results to feature in the top pages. You can quickly learn about them by visiting sites such as Great Learning’s Strategical Digital Marketing. To top it all, below are some of the four major pillars of an excellent ethical SEO tactic:

Technical optimization

Search engines use web crawlers to index contents. For them to crawl through your webpage, materials need to be available and visible to the bots. It means containing a crawlable structure or a few errors such as 404 pages, server errors, among others. One’s webpage needs to have a sitemap, an impeccable site speed on mobile and desktop, and so much more. Dealing with these potential issues is a way to be on board with any target client.

Keyword research

You need to use relevant keywords in your content. Elements such as URL slugs, Meta description, title tags, as well as images, are essential. They enable search engines, as well as visitors, to understand what the content is all about. Using the relevant keywords in the right places is a strategy that anyone should strive getting right.


Online users are quick to read accessible and relatable content. You need to make sure you come up with top-notch content that is beneficial to online users. One should always avail fresh as well as updated content that’s current and relevant.

Link building

Each time a webpage links to your page, it’s a sign to search engines. There’s something authoritative as well as valuable on that page. You need to come up with genuine and use top-notch links to become visible in top search engines.

Best ethical SEO practices

Upon knowing the pillars and guidelines on how to come up with ethical SEO, the next crucial step to understand the best ethical SEO practices. They are as follows

  1. Title tags are quite essential as they tell search engines what the page contains. They need to be unique on every page. One should make sure they use around 55 characters and avoid duplicated title tags
  2. You have to come up with content that’s highly relevant to the keyword phrase to offer great insights to online users. One must ensure their material is also fresh and unique with no plagiarized content. Duplicate content is always a red flag, and one might become penalized
  3. You need to select a suitable anchor text when practicing internal linking. It makes it easier for users, as well as search engine bots, to navigate through a webpage with ease. That’s not all it also strengthens internally used keywords
  4. While using images, it’s vital to use appropriate alt tags. You need to name each image in a manner that elaborates on what they are. Make use of dashes instead than underscores on pictures and avoid the use of non-alpha characters in an image
  5. You need to have the online end-user in mind while generating content. Make it easier to read by using short paragraphs, bullets as well as numbers.
  6. You need to know that it is easy to generate inbound links. They are quite useful especially when one is contemplating marketing their idea via social media platforms
  7. Connections don’t get interchanged with other low-quality webpages or ones that contain irrelevant information to visitors.
  8. You need to know that various links from a different webpage can become created
  9. You need to make use of the keyword as well as content that’s relevant to the webpage
  10. Using a sitemap is quite useful as it assists web crawlers to index your content easily.
  11. You need to keep up with the ever-changing keyword types. Make use of both long tail and short tail keywords. Its a remarkable way of building on content that caters to client’s needs. By doing this, one can obtain better rankings as well as credibility to their site.
  12. Avoid keyword stuffing as this could negatively affect your webpage
  13. You need to ensure there are high levels of confidentiality concerning clients who hired you as an SEO agency. Their information concerning operations as well as SEO results.
  14. While adopting best practices, you need to make sure you act in good faith when having detailed consultation with clients. It’s essential to work per an organization’s SEO short-term and long-term goals as well as objectives to get the best possible result.
  15. You must have high standards of SEO discipline and not dupe the client by using black hat techniques. Giving them short-term booming results only for them to be penalized or banned by search engines isn’t ethical
  16. You must adhere to the non-competition clause. Here, one should adopt ethical conduct by not contracting a competing institution in the same geographical industry.
  17. The most crucial practice is to adhere to cyber laws as well as internet regulations so as not to put your client’s website at risk.

Having dealt with ethical SEO, its time to flip the coin and look at unethical SEO. Here’s what it entails

What’s unethical SEO?

Unethical search engine optimization often refers to spam or black hat SEO. It isn’t illegal per se, but it’s often considered as wrong. These include tactics as well as practices that revolve around manipulation as well as sneaky details.

It’s all about cutting corners and duping the search engine that one’s content is better than others. Its fundamental goal is usually to get immediate and short term rankings.

There’s an easy way that an on-net user can determine and stay clear of unethical SEO strategies. It is by looking at the number of inks on a webpage and not forgetting content quality.

These tactics are quite apparent to any visitors whose extra keen. It is always risky to take this form of the path as one could get banned. The worst-case scenario becomes blacklisted across major search engines.

Here are some of the unethical SEO practices that one must avoid

  • Coming up with dubious passages to direct visitors to other webpages that contain a collection of other links or irrelevant information.
  • Duplicating someone’s published content.
  • Trading links- a vast majority of sites trade links. Such a case is quite misleading as well as disruptive to any on-net user.
  • Using auto-generated content that has a very high keyword density.
  • Plagiarizing contents.
  • Hidden text- an example is a white text hidden on a white background. Writing gets protected on images or a size zero font.
  • Using JavaScript re-directs in search engines to a different webpage other than the expected one.
  • Using too many keywords as well as hidden texts on a website. Keyword stuffing is using a keyword more than the required number of times. It quickly puts of the on-net users are they don’t appreciate such character.
  • Using cloaking- it’s where content gets submitted among search engines in a manner that some texts aren’t evident or apparent to the relevant audience.
  • Using hidden links- this is whereby one makes the links seem less visible to an online user. An instance is using the same font color as the primary content.
  • Utilizing automated questions without getting permission from the search engines.

In as much as the internet is a market place facing stiff competition, one doesn’t have to start cutting corners to reach the top of the ladder first. Practicing unethical SEO is a quick way to kill your brand as well as an online presence.


It’s very crucial to adopt an excellent ethical SEO to minimize the risk of getting penalized. For any venture to have a great SEO success story, you must begin by putting everything in order. You have to implement the right tactics. Digital marketing is pervasive, but one can quickly learn it by checking out sites such as PGP in Digital Marketing. The result is having a better performance, which will boost webpage traffic. To compete healthily and safely, one should make use of ethical SEO. Without it, one can enjoy short fame only to be deemed irrelevant, thus missing out on the long term perks of digital marketing.



Great Learning
Great Learning

Great Learning is an ed-tech company for professional and higher education that offers comprehensive, industry-relevant programs.