What is Artificial Intelligence ? Why AI is making a revolution in Technology ?

Great Learning
Great Learning
Published in
5 min readSep 16, 2019

Growth and Development of Artificial Intelligence

In the 14th Century, the renaissance movement in European history has led to the innovation of Machinery which has created the Industrial revolution causing machines to take over manpower. This has turned the world upside down. Two hundred years after the industrial revolution, the world has been hit with the technological revolution which is being created by Artificial intelligence.

Let us know what is Artificial Intelligence ?

Artificial Intelligence - The Future of Technology
Future of Artificial Intelligence

The abstract and evolution of computer systems able to execute tasks usually necessitating human intelligence, such as speech recognition, face recognition, decision-making, and many more. In simple words, artificial intelligence is nothing but teaching a machine to think and learn to perform a specific task assigned to it.

Artificial Intelligence refers to stimulating machines that enable them to think like humans and solve problems. Artificial intelligence is akin to human intelligence. In other words, it can be defined as intelligence demonstrated by machines. Although Artificial intelligence is yet in its infancy, it’s prevalence can be seen in our everyday life such as google homes, Alexa, Siri, Android Television and many more.

Future scope of Artificial Intelligence :

Artificial Intelligence has acquired massive urge in the technological field which is why many are desiring to pursue a career in artificial intelligence. Regardless of the immense demand for Artificial Intelligence, universities failed to update their curriculum to suit the needs of learners. It is close to being impossible to find a university that offers a major in artificial intelligence and machine learning course.

Hence, people are turning towards institutions that offer the best artificial intelligence and machine learning course online and offline. Certainly, these institutions are paving a path by offering courses in Artificial Intelligence. Yet, most institutions lack accreditation which degrades the value of the applied AI courses.

Experts are anticipating a paradigm shift in the job’s perspective as a result of Artificial Intelligence. It will become inevitable for IT professionals to study artificial intelligence. Many have already started pursuing this by attending artificial intelligence and machine learning classes.

The jobs based on artificial intelligence has now attained unusual demand. Machine Learning and Deep Learning are the subsets of applied artificial intelligence. You can choose taking up the machine learning classes or the deep learning classes considering your interest. Both have great scope in the industry.

How Artificial Intelligence is creating a revolution?

The study says that Artificial Intelligence is the Future. Why is it so? As mentioned earlier, the Industrial revolution reoriented the dynamics of production. Although Machinery replaced manual labor, machines were designed and operated by humans. Through the Industrial Revolution, humanity has achieved a substantial amount of progress. Yet, it was just the beginning of the Technology era. What could be more powerful than Machines that were developed and controlled by humans?. Wouldn’t it be quite an achievement to teach machines to develop cognitive ability?. This will eventually enable machines to think like humans. Artificial Intelligence has the potential of creating new industries that gives out the best results than ever before

Now you may wonder why is that a machine can think better than a human? We have already witnessed the outstanding potential of machines that perform many times better than a human. For example, a machine can lift tonnes of weight in a minute interval which is unfathomable for a human to perform the same. Likewise, if machines are learnt to think and act like humans do the results would definitely be outstanding.

Impact of Artificial Intelligence :

One of the Major impacts of Artificial Intelligence is replacing the maximum number of jobs with machines. Artificial Intelligence has a huge impact on Technology-based job and it will create a revolution by eliminating millions of conventional jobs. In fact, Artificial Intelligence has already invaded a few job roles. For instance, a customer service executive has been replaced by a Chatbots which is well trained to address issues raised by the customer.

Unlike humans, The strength of a machine is always unlimited. Machines are extremely capable to derive the smartest solutions for many problems which humans can’t solve easily. Artificial Intelligence also makes the future unstable.

Let us discover the list of sectors that will be taken over by Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence outperforms many job roles thus delivering prolific results in a short span. There are a few job roles which are as follows :

Adoptions of Artificial Intelligence

Automotive - Even top-notch companies like Tesla is moving towards manufacturing cars that use Artificial Intelligence to drive on its own. A few companies started to develop cars that use Artificial intelligence to prevent collisions.

Artificial Intelligence integrated self driving cars
Artificial Intelligence integrated Self Driving Future Cars

Farming - By integrating Artificial Intelligence with the services provided by satellites, it has become easier to farm swiftly than ever before.

Cashiers - Amazon has already stepped into this business by establishing Amazon Go - The World’s First Completely AI enabled supermarket with no cashiers. Although the stores are not widespread across the US, they will soon be available in rest of the world. This will make the profession of Cashier obsolete. It is no surprise that other businesses will adopt this model to reduce the cost of labor.

AI enabled Amazon-Go supermarket
Artificial Intelligence Integrated Supermarket - Amazon Go

Constructions - Many startups have been working on integrating Artificial intelligence into the construction industry. Several companies possess beta versions of these machines in place. US Department of Defense has already started building its facilities with these artificial intelligence integrated machines.

Manufacturing - It is possible to create machines that are able to build other machines. This will be a factor of time and finances.

Waiters - Recently, a restaurant was launched in Bangalore where a Robot serves food and drinks for the guests. This will be the future of the food industry.

Military Pilots and Soldiers - Artificial intelligence integrated with drones can spot the enemies locations and predict possible threats. An Israeli company named Rafael has invented a smart bomb that employs the techniques of artificial intelligence and deep learning

Banking - Artificial Intelligence has already taken over the financial sector for auditing financial transactions. This helps to prevent fraudulent activities and promote time saving, cost — cutting and many more enthusiastic benefits to the banking sector.

Not just the above mentioned, but there are many sectors which are expecting artificial intelligence to take over. These industries include travel agencies, stock market, telemarketing, taxing, printing and publishing and many more.

Upon considering all the above factors, it is definitely a smart move to take up the Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning classes and pursue a career in AI



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