Can I Start Over Again In Learning A Language?

From Language Learning To Life Changing Ideas

Efi Asvesti
My Greek Teacher


This is a question we all have done and will do again and again in our lives. We all make this question to ourselves. The question appeals from starting over good nutrition and healthy habbits so as to help ourselves live better, to finding personal freedom and happiness.

The conclusion I have reached is that starting over is a practice and an attitude we have in every single aspect in our lives. It is a mentallity we practice in every single habbit.

It can be from hobbies to life-changing decisions.

Basically we all make this kind of decision every day. It is exactly like washing the dishes. Washing the dishes is a brutal habit of starting over again and again and again, even though you have done the day before.

We will start talking about starting over again the Greek Language,because this is what I write for, but this mentality can be implemented in any aspect of your life.

When we first think of starting over, the first thing we do is panic. This is a normal reaction, because we think of what we have done, we see the results of our behaviour and maybe the consequences give us anxiety.

