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Coming Back To Our Hobby After A Long Break

Efi Asvesti
My Greek Teacher


We feel like holidays hold us back in our goals. In holidays we gain some weight and we feel we have forgotten what we have learnt in a language or any mental hobby we have.

Every single student tells me “I have forgotten everything we did, I didn’t study at all during Christmas/Summer Holidays, we will have to start from zero.

This reminds me a story of a schoolmate I had in High school. We had a test and she came to the classroom very stressed and told me “I don’t remember anything for the test,I have forgotten everything”.

I wanted to comfort her. I didn’t know what to tell her but I wanted to tell her something to help her. So I told her :

“You don’t have a question in front of you, how can you remember the answer of a question that does not exist?”

In her stress she asked me what I was talking about and then I explained to her something that was unfolding at that moment in my mind, but helped me afterwards in my life. I told her that she was giving the command to herself that she had forgotten everything. If she had a question of the material she had studied in front of her, I…

