How To Learn Greek This Year Day 2

Prepare Yourself To Welcome Greek In You Life

Efi Asvesti
My Greek Teacher


Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

*This article is part of a series, please before you read this one, start with How To Learn Greek This Year Day 1

It is important that you read the articles in the correct order and prepare yourself for each day.

So, yesterday we talked about the importance of desire in the learning procedure. We talked about how we can boost this feeling of desire using our senses close to the nature.

Today we are about to talk about visualization.

Choose a time in your day you will enjoy it the most. It can be early in the morning, in the afternoon, late at night, whatever it works for you. This is going to be your personal time and it is going to last as much as you want it to be.

It can be 4 minutes to…whatever you wish.

So, what you will be doing on Day 2 to prepare yourself for Greek?

Find a world map. Take a look at it in general. After some minutes of looking around the world, find Greece. For the next minutes, you will be looking at the map of Greece.

You may have looked at it thousands of times. You may have travelled in a particular place…

