I Feel Tired. I Want To Quit. What Do I Do Now?

All I tell my students when this comes up.

Efi Asvesti
My Greek Teacher


Photo by Ahmed Zayan on Unsplash

There comes a moment, and more moments like that in the whole process, when you will feel like you want to quit. You feel tired and overwhelmed. When you first thought about learning Greek, you had a different picture of it, and now you feel disappointed.

Let me tell you something. There is no single person that doesn’t feel this way.

It is not possible for SOMEONE WHO DOES THINGS, not to feel frustrated with the process at some point.

My uncle, who started learning Byzantine Music in his 70s, now in his 80s, told me he wanted to quit during every single lesson. All these years.

If you feel special because you feel overwhelmed, you are not.

In this article, we will talk about what you can do or what you need to do when you feel like this.

I come with this very often when my students get overwhelmed, also I face it as a learner a lot.

So this time comes. What am I doing now?

You need to be serious there. You need to stay with yourself quietly, and…

