Why Guilt Is Such A Big Piece In The Cake Of Education?

Efi Asvesti
My Greek Teacher
Published in
4 min readNov 9, 2022


Generally, I love my job. My job occupies 100% of my self. Eating is part of my job. Conversations. Preparing the house I live in the mountain and carrying three tons of woods with gratitude is part of my job. When I rest I work, my entertainment, every single detail of me, is part of my job.

I would never imagine this in my life, as until my 30’s I didn’t know what to do and I had no idea what my job would be.

It is not possible for me to have a break and I don’t feel like working at the same time. Going deep in the human experience to help others is the most exciting and thrilling entertainment I can have.

That’s why, when I reach to the core of a learning aspect I have a boom moment, and I get deeply satisfied. I don’t want to be interrupted from this.

Every bridge I want to burn in the way an adult learns, is a bridge I have found for myself and burnt. I am not working for my ego, I am working to help others, just like I helped myself.

So today, let’s talk about the factor of guilt in the learning process.

Have we ever wondered why guilt is a common factor for almost any learner?

