Week 0 : Community Bonding Period

Amrita Chaturvedi
My GSoC Diary with SCoRe Lab
2 min readMay 18, 2019

Finally, it’s the time to roll out the red carpet for Google Summer of Code. Google Summer of Code (g.co/gsoc) is Google’s summer program for university students to learn about, and get involved in open source. It’s happening again for the 15th year in 2019! Over 14,762 students from 109 countries have participated in the past years.

On May 6, candidates selected for GSoC’19 were announced. I was eagerly waiting for the update and I was in the seventh heaven when I saw my name with a project. That feeling truly is bliss!

Announcement of GSoC results also marked the beginning of the community bonding period. Community bonding period is all about knowing your mentors and the community well, and to refine your project proposal and set a plan of action for the rest of the three months, when the actual coding period will begin. The community bonding period usually lasts a month.

Sadly, I wasn’t very active in the community for the first two weeks, since I had my end semester exams going on, but my mentors have been really cooperative.

My major task to be done during the community bonding period is to design the database schema, design the front end UI and to understand the API’s I will be implementing in my project. I learnt quite a bit of AdobeXD and Sketch while designing the UI, I hope the mentors will like the designs. Also most probably I will be getting my repository and cloud providers access soon. Right now, I am making a plan of how to achieve those goals and trying to figure out the Database Design.

Coding period starts from the 27th May and I am really excited about it.

From now on I will be posting my progress every week. Stay tuned for more.

