Week 1: Gearing up

Amrita Chaturvedi
My GSoC Diary with SCoRe Lab
2 min readJun 2, 2019
Photo by Ilya Pavlov on Unsplash

So it’s been one week into Google Summer of Code, and as you might know that my project is to develop a front end UI for the nodecloud sdk. It basically involves full stack development, i.e. I would need to create the front end (which will request for the required data) and backend (which will provide the data based on some logic).

During the community bonding period itself, I created the mockups and got them approved by my mentors, now that the design is ready, the most thrilling part of the story begins, coding.

One important aspect of any project is to decide which technology stack would be used for developing it. I along with my mentors discussed the best suitable tools and technology that we can use, and we came up with: Node JS with Express for backend, React along with Redux for front end and SQLite for storing data along with that we will be also using Docker.

My major goal for the first two weeks was to set up the environment and perform basic CRUD operations and some UI work, but as soon as I began to write code I realized that it is necessary to have some configuration files for webpack and babel on the React end.

So my first week, went majorly in setting up Docker, Node Js with Express and SQLite, implementation of configuration files of Babel and Webpack, a bit of React and Redux and trying to find out the most suitable directory structure for js files so that the code can be organized in a better way. I did find a good one for the front end but the search is still on for the backend one.

That’s it for the first week, there is more to come for the second week.
See you then!

